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The purpose of research is beef production efficiensy growing of Black-Motley breed by use of natural drug Nukleopeptid. The research was carried out in SEC-farm «Hero» Chegmagushevskogo district of Bashkortostan. To carry out scientific and economic experience were formed 4 groups of Black-Motley breed calves at the age of 6 months, with 10 heads each. Groups were formed on the basis of analoge groups. The animals of the experimental group II had drug Nukleopeptid subcutaneously at dose of 20 ml, test group III – 25 ml and experimental group IV – 30 ml. The bulls of Group I is control and the drug is not administered them. In setting up the experience of the measurements of animals calves experimental groups had no significant differences in performance. Measurements of all groups of calves naturally increases with age. Studies have revealed that during the period of experience in the animals of group I height at the withers increased by 20.6%, height in the sacrum – by 17.9%, length of the body – by 38.4%, the depth of the chest – 37.3%, the width of the breast – 40.2%, putting backside – 25.5% femus width by 45.9%, whereas test groups in bulls (II-IV), these figures were above 0, respectively, 9-2.0; 0.5-1.4; 1.3-1.8; 0.1-1.0; 2.1-4.5; 1.8-3.6%. Indices body had the same trend. Gobies experimental groups, this applies especially to young animals of group III were more massive with well developed chest and back of the torso. It is proved that the introduction of new drug Nukleopeptid contributes to the meat productivity.

About the authors

Guzel´ Galimdarovna Ibatova

Bashkir State Agrarian University

аспирант ; аспирант кафедры; кафедра «Технологии мяса и молока» The Russian Federation, Ufa

Fargat Faritovich Vagapov

СПК-колхоз «Герой»

кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук; председатель ; The Russian Federation,


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Copyright (c) 2016 Ibatova G.G., Vagapov F.F.

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