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The purpose of work is improving the efficiency of fertilization dog breed French Bulldog. The results of cytological examination of vaginal mucus in dogs at different periods of the sexual cycle. This will determine the optimal time for insemination. As a result of vaginal smear cytology of dogs among the signs of days favorable for breeding are the days when cytological smears appear more than 60% of the surface of pycnotic cells, a small amount of red blood cells and white blood cells, superficial cells are arranged in groups of 4-6 cells or clusters in the form of tiles. Proestrus phase corresponds to the presence of only of basal cells in a smear at the beginning. Then trend towards a decrease of intermediate and superficial cell growth. In the smears are found red blood cells and white blood cells. The duration of the stage of 6-8 days. Estrus phase is characterized by the appearance in the smear of more than 60% of the surface of pycnotic cells, a minor amount of red blood cells and white blood cells. The duration of the stage of 10-11 days. It was found that in dogs the most optimal days for mating are 3-4 day estrus. A smear diestrus phase accompanied by the presence of abrupt changes in the cellular structure. The picture a smear vaginal mucus in diestrus are signs are reducing the number of superficial cells, and increasing the number of intermediate cells; changes in the nature and appearance leukocyte, smear of mucus becomes turbid, dusky background. The duration of stage about 60 days. In anestrus cytological picture of the mucous membrane is stable. There are small cell in smears, revealed basal epithelial cells, can occur intermediate unit cells and leukocytes. The duration of the stage about 123 days.


About the authors

Lyudmila Anatol'evna Minyuk

Samara State Agricultural Academy

доцент; кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук; доцент; кафедра «Анатомия, акушерство и хирургия» The Russian Federation, Samara

Dar´ya Yur'evna Grishina

Samara State Agricultural Academy

доцент; кандидат биологических наук; доцент; кафедра «Анатомия, акушерство и хирургия» The Russian Federation, Samara


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Copyright (c) 2016 Minyuk L.A., Grishina D.Y.

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