No 2 (2012)


The Characteristics of Samara Region Beef Cattle Breeding Modern State

Milutkin V.A., Milutkin A.V., Zhichkin K.A.


The state of cattle-breeding production efficiency is examined. The parameters of the competitiveness of the industry in modern conditions are defined.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):3-8
pages 3-8 views

Actual Problems of Farm Development in Russia

Komissarova E.V., Penkin A.A.


The article deals with the economic substance, characteristics and significance of the farm economy. Actual problems in development of farmers are considered.The direction of state support for farming in the Samara region is shown.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):8-12
pages 8-12 views

Theoretical Features of the Farm Enterprises Sustainable Development Estimation

Ermoshkina E.N.


In article the theoretical features of farm enterprises of the financial and economic condition estimation are considered. Advantages of financial and economic condition various techniques estimation are pointed. By results of the rating estimation the basic directions of farm enterprises sustainable development of Samara region are defined.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):12-18
pages 12-18 views

Modeling of Integration Processes in Agro-Industrial Complex

Doroshenko J.А., Stabulit I.S.


Use possibility is considered at studying of integration processes of a new direction in the game theory - to games at uncertainty. It is shown that the optimum mixed strategy is security finishing by own raw till the sizes minimizing aggregate expenditures of the processing enterprise on acquisition of other volume of grain.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):18-22
pages 18-22 views

Improving Integration Processes - the Way of Improving Competitiveness of Agro-food Sphere of theRegion

Petrova O.N.


This article assesses the role of agro-industrial integration in ensuring the competitiveness of agro-food sphere of the region. The objective necessity of improving the integration process through the use of cluster technology is substantiated.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):22-26
pages 22-26 views

The Basic Aspects of Strategic Planning in Rural Credit Cooperative Society

Kuzmina O.A.


The economic role and especially using of trust for the success of the cooperative resulting from the essence of agriculture is revealed. The relationship of trust with the interest rates for attraction and investment of funds is shown. The main types of possible management and planning strategies for the cooperative are identified.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):26-30
pages 26-30 views

Formation of Labor Potential as a Major Factor of Socio-Economic Development

Sergeeva T.U.


Dynamics of strength analysis of agricultural working age population in Russia are conducted. Estimation of the influence of demographic and socio-economic factors for the process of human resources the formation in urban and rural areas was conducted.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):30-34
pages 30-34 views

Microfinancing as a Method of Small M-Scale Business Support in Rural Area of Samara Region

Titova I.V.


In this article the agriculture microfinancing problems in Russia and Samara region are considered. The main tendency of decision problems with the purpose of microfinancing organizations advantages effective using of agricultural enterprises are offered and discussed.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):34-38
pages 34-38 views

The Economic Safety Essence and Internal Threats of Russia

Pjatova O.F.


The essence of economic safety of the state is considered, directions of internal threats in the conditions of economy crisis state are defined in the article.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):38-42
pages 38-42 views

Accession to WTO: Possibilities and Dangers

Semenova E.I.


In article the basic points of view for accessions to WTO are analyzed, experience of the CIS countries which have accessed to WTO earlier are considered, existing attractive and negative forecasts for pig breeding and grain production are presented. The necessity of state support changing for agriculture at accession to WTO is observed.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):42-47
pages 42-47 views

The Research of Meat Production Subcomplex Area Differentiation of Samara Region

Poljanskova N.V.


The article considers intra-regional peculiarities of meat production subcomplex area differentiation. On the basis of typelogisation method the basic participants of meat and meat products regional market sustainable development research results are shown.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):47-53
pages 47-53 views

Organizing Economic Factors of Farm Consulting System Development

Petrov A.A.


The article contains the analysis of farm consulting development in Russia. The author researched the influence of organizational and economic factors its functioning. The proposals to improve the organizational and economic development conditions for consulting activities in agriculture are formulated in the article.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):53-58
pages 53-58 views

Essence and Specific of Agroindustrial Complex Consulting Organizations

Gubanova N.U.


The term "consulting organization" in relation to agro-industrial complex is clarified, the specific features of agricultural consulting organizations are revealed, the classification of consulting organizations that operate in the agro-industrial complex is proposed.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):58-63
pages 58-63 views

Methods of Regulation of Exchange-distributive Relations in the Formation of the State Order.

Cherdancev V.P.


The problems of agricultural products, food funds implementing are revealed. The algorithm of public customer and farm producer interaction is offered.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):63-67
pages 63-67 views

Agro-Economic Efficiency of Volga Forest Steppe Basic Soil Processing Minimization

Markovskaya G.K., Nesmeyanov V.I., Markovskii А.А.


Possibillity and ecomomically expendiency of soil processing combined system application in field crop rotation of Volga forest-steppe providing grain crops processing minimization are proved.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):67-70
pages 67-70 views

State Regulation in the Agro-Food Systems of North America and Russia According Integration Approach

Balashenko V.A.


The global changes in the world agro-food system have been collaborating with innovation and increasing profitability and income of the branch. It has been depended with applying modern techniques and machines. From position of Russian agro-food system global development we have to think about development not only new generation cooperatives but traditional cooperatives. All these things are allowed to be made on state policy in the agro-food system.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):70-74
pages 70-74 views

Forecasting of Productivity Level

Seregin A.V.


Methodical problems in definition of labor productivity are considered. For forecasting of labor productivity level the author offeres to use software product SPSS Clementine, combined with Data Mining. The offered recommendations and the developed software for labor productivity calculation allow to systematize and add available design procedures, to automate processes of calculation on the basis of the used accounting data, to predict indicators for the current and planned period.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):74-78
pages 74-78 views

Organization of Introeconomic Relations Problems

Kretov V.I.


The introeconomic mechanism of interrelations between the land shares leaseholders and property shares with the enterprise administration on the basis of ownership, lease and buying of the land and property is suggested in the article.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):78-82
pages 78-82 views

Modern Situation and Tendencies of Russian and World Meat Market Development

Surskaya D.A.


In article the various organizational actions which should allow home producers to raise competitiveness of production in the domestic market are considered.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):82-85
pages 82-85 views

The Factors Defining Loyalty of the Organizations for Marketing Researches

Pashkina O.V.


The major factors of organizations loyalty for marketing researches are described. The loyalty matrix is offered. The recommendations which allow customers and marketing researches executors to cooperate competently are made.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):86-90
pages 86-90 views

Farm Credit Cooperation State Aid in System "Region-District" in Samara Region

Zhichkin K.A., Esipov A.V.


State aid of farm credit cooperation is considered in the article. Informational support system of regulation process is proposed.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):90-94
pages 90-94 views

The Formation of Agro-Industrial Holding Consolidated Financial Statements

Makuschina T.N.


This article discusses the problems of agro-industrial holding consolidated financial. The features and approaches to the holdings consolidated statements formation are pointed
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):94-99
pages 94-99 views

Increase of Pig-Breeding Production Efficiency In Modern Managing Conditions

Kurlykov O.I., Kurlykov U.A.


The problem of pork products production efficiency is revealed, the influence of economic factors is reflected, as well as one of the further major branch for pig-breeding development is identified and justified
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):99-102
pages 99-102 views

The Conditions of Russian AIC Financial and Economic Mechanism Development

Gorohov A.A.


The article is dedicated to problems of financial and economic mechanism functioning of AIC extended reproduction. The basic conditions for the formation of this mechanism are analyzed. The ways of improving the financial mechanism in Russian agricultural sector are offered.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):102-106
pages 102-106 views

Distinctions in Definitions of Categories "Agrobusiness" and "Enterprise Activity in Agriculture"

Akimova L.A.


Various approaches to definition of concepts "agrobusiness" and "agrarian business" are considered. The scheme of interaction of enterprise activity and business in agricultural production sphere is offered.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):106-111
pages 106-111 views

The techniques of information-consulting maintenance of agrarian sector organization

Mamai O.V.


In article the technique of information-consulting maintenance of region agrarian sector organizations is given, based on formation of technological inquiries and technological offers of uniform bank is opened.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):111-117
pages 111-117 views

Problem of Optimum Interaction of Market and State Regulation Mechanisms of Regional Labor Market

Fedorova L.P.


Article is devoted to problem of state intervention to process of regional labor market self-regulation.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):117-121
pages 117-121 views

Units of Farm Machinery Efficiency According Technical and Economic Criteria

Prokopenko V.A., Mashkov S.V.


In clause the technique and modern farm machines and units economic efficiency parameters estimation results are submitted. The decision of combine- harvesters doubly applications economic efficiency criteria problem is given. The major role of the cost price minimization criterion which is carried out by farm machines and units, in the decision of enterprise tractor park economic efficiency increase problem is shown.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):121-125
pages 121-125 views

For the theoretical studies of the sustainable farm areasdevelopment

Sherstobitova G.I., Polyanskova N.V.


In this article the concept of "sustainable development" is considered. The main goals and directions of countryside areas developing are determined. Methods of achieving economic benefits in implementing sustainable development strategy of countryside areas are identified.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):125-129
pages 125-129 views

Economical Theory Functions in Economics of Modern Russia

Toltov S.M., Toltov M.S., Starikov E.A.


Economics functions are considered in the article.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):129-132
pages 129-132 views

System of Labor Potential Management of OS "Rosselkhozbank" Samara Branch

Shtrikov A.B., Shtrikova D.B.


The role of the analytical information used for planning activity of bank is shined. The power and bad sides of bank staff control system are analyzed, the results of manpower movements investigations are resulted.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):132-135
pages 132-135 views

Mechanisms of Putting Away and Depreciation of Investments in the Industrial Capital and Ways of their PracticalNeutralization

Karpushkina S.A.


In this clause the mechanisms of depreciation and putting away of investments in the production basic means research results are submitted and the author's ways of their practical neutralization are described.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):135-139
pages 135-139 views

The System of Engineers Professional Training in the Agricultural University

Berishvili O.N.


The article considers the methodological foundations of engineering training systems in the agricultural university.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):140-145
pages 140-145 views

Qualitmetric evaluation of bachelors-engineers competences developing.

Kosyrev V.P., Makarova M.P.


This article analyzes the qualitmetric aspect for quality of bachelors - engineers competences developing for «Metrology, Standardization and Certification» subject.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):145-149
pages 145-149 views

Realization Model of Agro-Engineering Students Training Modulus-Rating System on the Basis of Qualimetry Approach

Romanov D.V., Solomonova U.L.


Problems of students educational achievements estimation by working out solving of adequate estimation theory-methodological strategy and following it estimation approach are considered. Possibility of modulus-rating technology introduction with qualimetry parameters in educational process of future masters vocational training.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):149-153
pages 149-153 views

Bachelors and Post-Graduated Education of Mathematics Teachers in Logical and Philosophical Culture

Igoshin V.I.


The model of logical and philosophical teachers mathematical education in three levels: secondary education and special education of bachelors, post-graduated education is characterized in this paper.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):153-157
pages 153-157 views

Model of masters information preparedness formation in agrarian sphere

Tolypina U.A.


In this article the pedagogical model of farm masters information preparedness formation, its main components and urgency in the conditions of information society formation is considered.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):157-160
pages 157-160 views

Students Independent Work Stimulation and its Further Perfection Ways

Buntova E.V.


In this article the possible directions of students independent work stimulation higher mathematics lessons are designated. The author presents students independent work organization model.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):160-164
pages 160-164 views

Genesis of subjectivity in the educational process

Bykova A.V.


In this article the data about intrinsic role of person and communication subjective relations in subjectivity occurrence is presented. Theses of genesis subjectivity concept in educational process are presented. Socially-psychological and out-of-activity maintenance of person concept is pointed which is shown in processes of primary occurrence professional subjectivity.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):164-168
pages 164-168 views

Research of Adaptive Electronic Educational Resources in Higher Education Institution Application Efficiency

Mihailenko O.A., Shchedrina E.V.


In this article the experiment results confirming the hypothesis of «Influence of adaptive testing in network electronic educational and methodical complexes (EUMK) for quality of training material students assimilation of higher education institution» research are given.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):168-172
pages 168-172 views

Changing component of the as the organizational factor students professional mobility formation

Mihajlov V.C.


The article presents the organizational conditions for the students professional mobility formation on the basis of variable part introduction in the curriculum and educational process of the basic professional educational programs.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):172-175
pages 172-175 views

Androgogical Approach to the Theory and Practice of Excursion Activity

Barabanova N.A.


The article deals with the principles and methods of androgogical approach introduction in guides training as a factor of guides professional development preparedness.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):175-179
pages 175-179 views

Results of Experimental Investigations of Future Agro-Engineers Preparedness Formation for Three-Dimensional Modeling Use in Structure of Professional Activity

Nechaeva O.G.


Relevance and significance of three-dimensional modeling as an important component of agro-engineering are substantiated. The results of experimental investigations of future agro-engineers preparedness formation for three-dimensional modeling use in structure of professional activity are examined.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):179-183
pages 179-183 views

Educational and Vocational Activities Integration Pedagogical Technologies

Lyusev V.N.


In this article the pedagogical technologies favoring the integration of vocational schools students training and practical activities are considered . The integration potential of mentioned pedagogical technologies and their influence for level of practical training are analyzed.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):183-188
pages 183-188 views

Professional Competent Agriculture Master Personality Forming in the Conditions of Paradigm Changes of Higher Professional Education

Orlova M.A.


The structural relationship of higher education system approaches in the conditions of paradigm changes is established, and future possibilities of the competence approach in particular. Results of testing the formation of competent professional person-agriculture master by preparedness for professional activity in the form of professionally important qualities are shown.
Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2012;(2):188-192
pages 188-192 views

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