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The objective of the investigation is to improve yield and quality of feed production. The experiment held in 4 replications and one factor scheme. The influence of pulses components for the increasing yield and quality was studied during the experiment. Yield harvesting was done in two times. For the first, yield was collected for haylage. For the second harvest was studied for silage. Mix of sudan grass with sunflower and soya, as well as mix of sudan grass, sunflower and vetch, showed best results in haylage part. The total yield of this mixes was higher than the crop itself. Mix of sudan grass with sunflower and vetch gave 25.5 tons per hectare in average of 4 years of research. At the same period of time, mix of sudan grass with sunflower and soya gave 23.1 tons per hectare. Sudan grass itself showed 19.7 t/ga in average. Very interesting tendency was found during the 4 years of research. While the climatic data was analyzed, we made a conclusion that mix of sudan grass with soya and sunflower is better is dry conditions. It gave yield from 31 t/ga. Mix of sudan grass with sunflower and vetch, gave higher yield in years with favorable conditions. Average yield collected was 24.1 t/ga of haylage.

About the authors

Lyudmila Vital'evna Kiseleva

Samara State Agricultural Academy

доцент; кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук; доцент кафедры; кафедра «Растениеводство и земледелие» The Russian Federation, Samara

Aleksandr Vladimirovich Tsybul´skiy

Samara State Agricultural Academy

аспирант ; аспирант кафедры; кафедра«Растениеводство и земледелие» The Russian Federation, Samara


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Copyright (c) 2016 Kiseleva L.V., Tsybul´skiy A.V.

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