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The purpose of researches is rising of efficiency of prophylaxis of cows patrimonial and puerperal pathologies. The current of cows labors and the puerperal period when using homeopathic medicine is studied Tsimaktin. It is estab-lished that drug Tsimaktin use reduces duration of cows current of labors in comparison with control by 1.87 hours. An involution of body and horns of experienced group uterus animals came to the end for 11.35 days earlier. Dis-turbances of involutional processes of control group cows reproductive organs to whom use didn't administer the drug 20% more Tsimaktin than at animals of experienced group. It is taped that drug Tsimaktin raises the morpho-functional status of cows organism that is confirmed by hematological and biochemical indicators of blood. The hemoglobin content, erythrocytes in control group cows blood after calvin was reliable less, than indicators of ani-mals of experienced group respectively on 15.09 g/l and on 1.94 1012 l. The indicator of the general protein in blood serum of experienced group cows is 2.69 g/l more than at cows of control group. The quantity of β-globulins after the delivery are more for cows of control group in comparison with experienced for 7,33% that indicates existence of inflammatory process in an organism of animals. Control group cows for 4-5 day the atsidotichesk state was after the delivery observed what the smaller indicator of an alkaline reserve on 3.38 ob%CO2 testifies to. Use of homeopathic medicine Tsimaktin in 25-30 days prior to labors allowed to raise cows fecundity and to reduce the number of days of sterility. Use of this drug is ecologically safe and allows to use milk without restrictions. On the basis of the conducted researches drug Tsimaktin can be recommended for prophylaxis of puerperal complications at cows.

About the authors

Murat Khamidullovich Baymishev

Samara State Agricultural Academy


Haydar Akhmetsabirovich Safiullin

Samara State Agricultural Academy


Khamidulla Baltukhanovich Baymishev

Samara State Agricultural Academy


Oksana Nikolaevna Pristyazhnyuk

Samara State Agricultural Academy



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Copyright (c) 2017 Baymishev M.K., Safiullin H.A., Baymishev K.B., Pristyazhnyuk O.N.

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