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The purpose of researches is to increase wool efficiency and quality of wool Akzhaiksky meat-wool breed of sheep due to purposeful use of new lines. Material for researches served Akzhaiksky meat-wool breed ewe of the BAK-4087 and ZKATU-7082 line. Both lines were created by method of difficult uniform and diverse selection of initial material that has allowed to receive animals of desirable type from which animals of the second generation from them by homogeneous and heterogeneous selection have been received selection for cultivation «in itself» has been made. Lines were created by taking into account wool efficiency and its quality indicators. In article comparative indicators of wool efficiency are considered it is bright the compared lines at 8-month age. By wool cutting in the original and free wool the ZKATU-7082 lines ewes are surpassed the contemporaries from the BAK-4087 line on 0.17 and 0.13 kg, respectively. From ewes BAK-4087 lines 64.0% of wool of the 56th quality and 16.0% – the 58th quality are received, and from it is bright the ZKATU-7082 lines 66.0% of wool of the 58th quality and 30.0% of wool – the 56th quality are received. Other wool by quality in the compared groups was the 50th quality. For indicators of natural and true length of wool and fortress of wool fibers the BAK-4087 lines authentically ewes are surpassed by ewes ZKATU-7082 lines. The obtained data can be the basis for improvement of wool efficiency of Akzhaiksky meat-wool breed sheep.

About the authors

Khamidulla Baltukhanovich Baymishev

Samara State Agricultural Academy


Kayrly Gusmangalievich Esengaliev

Zhangir khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University


Baluash Bakishevich Traisov

Zhangir khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University



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Copyright (c) 2017 Baymishev K.B., Esengaliev K.G., Traisov B.B.

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