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The purpose of research is to increase the efficiency of the differential and diagnostic nutrient medium of lactoza agar of Drigalsky intended for allocation and differentiation of enterobacteria. The tasks is to modify compounding of commercial nutrient medium for allocation and differentiation of enterobacteria; to allocate from different types of animals and to identify isolates of enterobacteria; to study morphological, the tinctorialnykh, cultural, biochemical, serological properties of microorganisms; identification of factors of pathogenicity and persistention of microorgan-isms. Materials for research were 253 isolates of the bacteria allocated from an intestinal microbiotope of different types of animals. Biomaterial suspension for obtaining growth of cultures of bacteria was sowed by differential and diagnostic and selective and elective nutrient mediums. Definition of factors of pathogenicity of enterobacteria was carried out by the standard methods. Time necessary for allocation and accumulation of cultural bacterial mass of enterobacteria, with use of the modified commercial differential and diagnostic nutrient medium of a lactoza agar of Drigalsky makes at the intestinal isolates emitted from small pets (cats, dogs, polecats, chinchillas) 20.12±0.78 h, from farm animals (a bird, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, horses) makes 20.34±0.85 h, from wild and zoo animals (boars, foxes, elks, female camel, pony) makes 22.46±0.63 h that is more effective in comparison with the operating commercial differential and diagnostic environments. All isolates of enterobacteria had morphological, tinctorialny, cultural, biochemical and serological properties, characteristic of them. The isolates of enterobakteriya emitted from wild animals differed in higher rates of a persistention. The modified option of the commercial differential and diagnostic environment of a lactoza agar of Drigalsky allows to reduce time necessary for allocation and differentiation of intestinal isolates of the enterobacteria allocated from different types of animals. Time necessary for identification of enterobacteria is as a result reduced during diagnosis of intestinal infections or when carrying out a sanitary and bacteriological research of various objects of the environment.

About the authors

Vlyadimir Viktorovich Ermakov

Samara State Agricultural Academy


Oksana Olegovna Datchenko

Samara State Agricultural Academy



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Copyright (c) 2017 Ermakov V.V., Datchenko O.O.

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