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The journal of Bioethics publishes scientific article materials which correspond to the journal profile. The basic headings of the scientific journal are as follows: • Theoretical problems of bioethics; • Ethical issues of the implementation of the “Health” national project; • Bioethics and medical law; • Sociological research in bioethics; • Ethical problems of clinical research and trials; • International documents in the field of bioethics and medical law; • Bioethics in the world; • Practical course of biomedical ethics; • Work experience of ethical committees; • Aid for those studying biomedical ethics. The article materials submitted for publication in Journal of Bioethics must meet the following requirements: 1. Manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word or RTF format, and be typed with one - and - a - half line spacing on one side with font size 14, Times New Roman on an A4 paper. References should be cited in numeric order by order of mention in the text. Articles should include an abstract in Russian and English. Manuscripts should not exceed 30 000 characters. 2. The first page must contain a unique case identifier, the main title of a paper, the name(s) of authors(s), and the affiliated institution(s) and address(es) in Russian and English. This should be followed by an abstract of the article with keywords both in Russian and English. 3. Heading must be typed in semi - bold. Authors and affiliations should be followed after the title of paper. The author(s) name should be italic and semi - bold. The author’s name, title / university degree, affiliation, work address, home address and e - mail address as well as the reviewer’s name, degree, and affiliation should be provided at the end of the article on a blank page. 4. The name(s) of author(s) in calls for conferences, workshops and seminars should be italic and semi - bold. Author(s) information should be provided at the end of the article. 5. References should be arranged in alphabetical order stipulated in 7.1. - 2003 Federal standard. Sample reference format: Ivanova A.L. Basic mechanisms of medical student socialization / A.L. Ivanova, M.V. Boiko, A.S. Spivak//Social medicine. - 2004. - № 4. - 34 - 38 Ertel L.A. Autonomy of a child as a paediatric and neonatal patient: dissertation abstract/ Ertel. - Volgograd, 2006. - 49 pages References cited in the text must appear in a Reference List or Bibliography. References cited in the text, figures, tables must be enclosed in square brackets and are numbered using Arabic numerals [1, 2, 3]. The citing of sources in the article is not limited. 5. Authors must submit their articles electronically. The print version of the paper must also be submitted to the Editorial Board. In outside of Volgograd, authors may submit their manuscripts electronically via e - mail. 6. Post - graduate students do not have to pay for the submission of their articles to the Journal of Bioethics. 7. All manuscripts have to go through the peer review process. If the manuscript is not of sufficient quality, the author may be invited to revise the paper. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make editorial and literary corrections. 8. All manuscripts must be submitted to the editorial office to the address: 400131, Volgograd, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., 1, Room 4 - 11. Tel.: 8(8442)385325, e-mail: biosoc2008@yandex.ru The following questions were supposed to be discussed in the focus group scenario: • Does the implant treatment have advantages over other methods from the point of view of dental professionals? • Does the implant treatment have advantages over other methods from the point of view of patients? • What is an innovative potential of the implant treatment methods in dentistry? • What is a level of personalization in the modern implant treatment methods? • What is the ratio of price and quality in the modern implant treatment from the point of view of doctors and patients? • What hinders the development of the implant treatment at the present time in our country and in a particular region? • What are development prospects of this treatment method from the point of view of professionals and dental implant consumers? Participation in the focus group was voluntary. Representation of experts from different social groups was observed: dentists, patients with negative or positive experience of the implant treatment (with or without complications), patients with indications for the implant treatment, but without a final decision on a treatment method, independent experts (a lawyer, a bioethic and a sociologist). Distributing material - information booklets «ICON technology», «SDR filling material», «Implant dentistry». Group structure: 1.M. - a moderator, the Head of the Department of ethical, legal and sociological expertise in medicine of the Volgograd Medical Scientific Centre, Doctor in law, professor. 2.P. - a dentist, DDS, professor. 3.I. - a dentist, PhD, associate professor. 4.5. - a patient with negative experience of the implant treatment. 5.E. - a patient with indications for the implant treatment. 6.L. - an oral surgeon of a state dental clinic. 7.5. - an oral surgeon, a prosthodontist of a private dental clinic. 8.K. - an oral surgeon, a prosthodontist of a private dental clinic. 9.D. - a prosthodontist of a state dental clinic, PhD, associate professor. 10.G. - a patient with positive experience of the implant treatment. 11.С. - the executive secretary of the Regional Research Ethical Committee, PhD, associate professor. 12.Т. - S.Sc.D., professor. Some examples of the discussion are given below. М.: Dear participants of the focus group! We have assembled today to discuss a very important problem - a problem of application of advanced scientific achievements in real dental practice. In fact dentists are always more active introducing the latest scientific and technological achievements in medical practice than other medical specialists. For example, take the case of the xenografts, which include the dental implants. In many branches of medicine they are only tested developing materials and manipulations, but implant dentistry goes back more than decades and became a usual practice. Sometimes a patient says: “Now dentures and dental implants are so wonderful. Therefore I wish all my teeth to be extracted, and dental implants will be placed". Have you met such patients? L. : I have met such patients. But the problem is not only that a person loses teeth and he or she needs for dentures. Implant dentistry has passed a long way of its development. Everything has changed - from indications for the implant treatment, implant design to patients’ interest in these implants. If the initial structure, so-called “Bmnemark fixture", is intended only for implant-supported complete dentures, implants are now widely used to replace single missing frontal teeth. Even though implant dentistry is so good and has such evident advantages, implant placement does not solve all dental problems - just other problems appear. Periimplantitis (an inflammatory process in the soft tissues and bone around an osseointegrated implant) is presently considered to be a real disease of the 21st century. These problems appear because of the increased number of patients with implants. The main modern trend in implant dentistry is associated with increased aesthetic requirements of patients. They wish not only replacement of a missing tooth with a toothlike structure, but with a structure with full imitation of the appearance, function and sensation of a natural tooth. It is imitation of both “the white aesthetics" (the appearance of dental hard tissues) and “the pink aesthetics" (marginal gingiva and gingival papillae). М.: That is patients’ requirements considerably complicate practice for dentists?

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