Results of the social research of the relationship of students of the medical university to obtained education





The article examines the attitude of students of a medical higher education institution to the education they receive. On the basis of the Astrakhan State Medical University, a sociological study was conducted among the fifth and sixth year students of the medical, pediatric, dental, medical and preventive faculties. The designated category of students answered the questions of the questionnaire («Attitude of students of the Astrakhan State Medical University to the education they receive»). The study examined and tested two groups - young men and women of graduating courses of medical high school, their attitude to the education received at the university was determined, a sociological survey was conducted using an author's questionnaire consisting of 15 questions. The study examined the motives for choosing this profession among medical university students, as well as the prospects for continuing to stay in the health care system after graduation, and what are the reasons for the lack of desire for graduates of a medical university to work in health care institutions. In the course of the study, the tendencies towards the leakage of personnel were determined based on the results of the survey. It was determined the relationship to the education received.


The relevance of the study is due to ongoing changes in the health care system, which are related, in particular, to the employment and subsequent professional activities of medical graduates [1, 2]. «The Health Development Strategy of the Russian Federation for the Long-term Period 2015-2030» provides for the growth perspective for specialists who have received education in medical universities and 3 years of work in a medical institution that provides primary health care, with subsequent admission to residency. Only when these conditions are fulfilled, the graduate gets the opportunity to continue his professional activity as a specialist doctor [3]. The empirical study carried out within the framework of the tasks set revealed the definition of the attitude of the students of the medical university to the education received, and also constructed a number of questions requiring detailed answers on many key points that require scientifically substantiated answers. The purpose of the sociological research was to determine the leading factors in relation to students in the chosen profession, to assess the attitude towards the chosen specialties of students in general. The sociological research was conducted among the fifth and sixth year students, four graduating faculties in the main specialties: «Medical», «Pediatrics», «Stomatology», «Medico-prophylactic case», in the Astrakhan State Medical University. The study involved 3000 students during the period from January 2015 to April 2018, who are enrolled in this medical college, living in the territories of the Russian Federation and CIS countries. Students are equal in age (average age 22.3) and sex (59.5 % of the girl, 41.5 % of the young man). The examination was carried out («The attitude of the students of a medical university to the education they receive»). The proposed sociological survey was conducted using an author's questionnaire consisting of 15 questions. A significant number of students of the Astrakhan Medical University are trained in the specialty «Medical business» (35.3 %). A slightly smaller share is occupied by another specialization «Pediatrics» (29.3 %). These specialties are leading, constitute the widest range of narrow areas, and require careful preparation in each specific field of medicine. Most of the fifth and sixth year students are trained on a paid basis of training - 72.6 %, only 27.4 % have the opportunity to study on a budget. Explaining the reasons for choosing a medical university, the most popular were the answers «I find it difficult to answer» (34.7 %) and «the closest to the others is to the house» (29.1 %). It should be noted that the prestige of the university and the quality of education took only an insignificant share - 5.6 % and 12.9 %, respectively. However, the results showed that 63.7 % of medical students at the end of the training plan to stay in the health care system. Approximately, 25.8 % of students will choose another medical specialization. The lowest percentage (1.6 %) will not be engaged in medicine. Analyzing the answers received, 88.6 % of students plan to start professional activity in practical health care, the small attraction of work in another sphere is noteworthy. In a private clinic, 10.4 % of respondents plan to work, 9.6 % of those who are undecided with the sphere of activity. The majority of students expressed a desire to continue their studies at the university in residency (87.1 %), a small proportion want to undergo postgraduate studies (1.6 %) or abroad (1.6 %). According to the survey, 9.6 % of medical students plan to start professional activities in practical health care. It should be noted that most of the students surveyed have a material opportunity to enter paid internship - 57.2 %. Among students who do not have the opportunity to study on a budget is 22.5 %. There is also a relatively low self-esteem in the level of graduate training for practical medical activities. 35.5 % do not consider themselves sufficiently prepared for independent work. The level and quality of training in the university they consider low, respectively, this is the leading cause and disappointment of the chosen specialty. At the present stage of health care reform, the changed code of medical practice for students of medical universities, this side of building up work experience in the specialty has a very weak basis. The main reason for the low assessment of their professionalism is that the graduates of a medical school are called: a low level of quality of medical and nursing practice during university studies (58.1 %) and a low level of theoretical knowledge obtained within the university (52.6 %). However, the listed reasons did not disappoint most students (71.7 %). Among the disappointed profession was 1 2.9 %. 15.3 % of respondents were indifferent to their profession. The trend towards the leakage of personnel based on the results of the survey is relatively small (25.0 %). However, students who would prefer a higher salary than work in the medical field - 19.3 %. That is, they make up this percentage of a group of students who believe that the medical profession will not allow them to receive high income in the future. At the time of the survey, only 12.1 % of respondents combine work in the medical profession and training activities. Student employment is a way of labor and personal adaptation of the future specialist to the requirements of the modern labor market and gives a competitive advantage in comparison with non-working students. It should be noted that a significant percentage of medical students assess their health as a satisfactory 34.6 % and 6.4 % of students estimate that they are unsatisfactory. For example, 33.0 % of graduates suffer from a decrease in their level of vision. 42.7 % of graduates complained of constant or recurring headaches. This, in turn, is a signal of alarm, because 65.3 % of students at a medical school believe that high professionalism depends on one's own health. 4 5 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ НАУЧНО-ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ 2 (24) 2019 According to the survey, it becomes obvious that the graduates expect support and help with employment from the leadership of the university (70.1 %). According to the results of the sociological survey, it turned out that only about half of the students surveyed consider themselves prepared for the profession they have chosen. Most graduates of the Astrakhan Medical University plan to continue working in the healthcare system after graduation, which undoubtedly determines a high level of professional orientation. «Leakage» of cadres is insignificant, the main reason for leaving practical medicine is the insufficient salary of a doctor. For graduates with a good level of medical training, there is a high motivation in the chosen profession, as well as a priority side of the specialty, which is the content and meaning of the doctor's work.


I. Shagina

Astrakhan State Medical University ofMinistry of Health ofRussia

candidate social sciences, senior lecturer, associate professor of the department Physics, Mathematics and Medical Informatics

T. Smahtina

Astrakhan State Medical University ofMinistry of Health ofRussia

candidate ofpsychological sciences, senior lecturer, associate professor of the department of Psychology and Pedagogy

A. Kubekova

Astrakhan State Medical University ofMinistry of Health ofRussia

senior teacher ofPsychology and Pedagogy


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