Algorithm of transforming milk into cheese

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In the article, milk is considered from the point of view of complicated biological super-system with informative-algorithmic ensuring. Regularity of such system functioning is constructed on the predetermined sequence of their components biochemical transformations. It is impossible to change the sequence. One can only regulate intensity of separate stages of the general process of milk transformation into cheese, and special features of separate technologies are based on this fact. Milk coagulation process is compared with blood coagulation process. Data are given about informative properties of separate components of milk and their effects on the process of rennet coagulum structure formation. It was shown that dynamics of transforming milk in cheese is in the best way described by the pH curve that is special for each type of cheese. The main points of the pH are described that in the highest degree determine algorithms of interaction of milk component at cheese production.

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About the authors

I. M Mironenko



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