View of orthopedist-traumatologist on the possibility of using teriparatide in patients with osteoporotic bone fractures

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The review article presents a systematic information about the mechanisms of action and efficacy of synthetic human parathyroid hormone апаlogгу - teriparatide - in men and women with osteoporotic bone fractures. The results of experimental and clinical studies have confirmed the anabolic effect of this drug on bone metabolism, as well as its ability to increase bone mineral density (BMD) and reduce the risk of recurrent osteoporotic fractures, even in patients with very low BMD and several previous low-energy bone fractures. Literature data for the positive effects of teriparatide therapy on the processes of reparative regeneration of bone after fractures are separately analyzed. As a result, it is concluded that this drug has a particular importance for the examined cohort of patients usually treated by orthopedist-traumatologist, since it is able to simultaneously optimize the existing processes of bone union and to prevent repeated bone fractures in patients with osteoporosis.

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