Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption

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The article reflects data on the etiology and pathogenesis of Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption (KVE), its clinical manifestations, as well as the tactics of managing patients with this pathology. KVE is most often a manifestation of a disseminated herpesvirus infection that develops exclusively against the background of chronic dermatoses, among which atopic dermatitis plays a leading role. In the pathogenesis of KVE against the background of atopic dermatitis, a combination of damage to the skin barrier and immune pathology play an important role that serves as the main predictor of the development of severe forms of herpesvirus infection in this category of patients. The article also describes treatment options for KVE patients.

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About the authors

Zukhra Sh. Garayeva

Kazan State Medical Academy - Branch Campus of the Russian Medical Academy of Professional Education

Email: garaeva-zuhra@rambler.ru
Associate Professor at the Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology Kazan, Russia

L. A Yusupova

Kazan State Medical Academy - Branch Campus of the Russian Medical Academy of Professional Education

Kazan, Russia

E. I Yunusova

Kazan State Medical Academy - Branch Campus of the Russian Medical Academy of Professional Education

Kazan, Russia

G. I Mavlyutova

Kazan State Medical Academy - Branch Campus of the Russian Medical Academy of Professional Education

Kazan, Russia

A. A Khasanova

Kazan State Medical Academy - Branch Campus of the Russian Medical Academy of Professional Education

Kazan, Russia


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