Association of arterial hypertension and periodontal disease: a review of new data


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат ақылы немесе тек жазылушылар үшін


Arterial hypertension (AH) and periodontitis are two widespread diseases worldwide that have a significant impact on the cardiovascular complications of diseases. Epidemiological data indicate a potential link between periodontitis and elevated blood pressure and the prevalence of AH. Over the past few years, the results of large-scale studies on the relationship between AH and periodontal pathology have been published, and possible mechanisms for this relationship are being actively discussed. The first part of the review is devoted to the analysis of new data on the relationship between AH and periodontitis using the PubMed and Scopus electronic databases. Recent studies, systematic reviews and meta-analyses support the relationship between periodontitis and AH. A joint report of the Italian Society of Hypertension (SIIA) and the Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology (SIdP) has been published to raise the awareness of the medical community about the close relationship between these two conditions. Greek cardiologists coined the term stomatological hypertension. However, recommendations for the treatment of AH in patients with concomitant periodontitis are lacking. Calcium channel blockers are known to be the most common cause of drug-induced gingival hyperplasia. In this regard, in the second part of the review, the possibility of using the thiazide-like diuretic indapamide in patients of this category, taking into account its effectiveness, metabolic neutrality and safety, was considered.

Толық мәтін

Рұқсат жабық

Авторлар туралы

D. Trukhan

Omsk State Medical University

Хат алмасуға жауапты Автор.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1597-1876

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy and Internal Diseases

Ресей, Omsk

A. Sulimov

Omsk State Medical University

Ресей, Omsk

L. Trukhan

Omsk State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4721-6605
Ресей, Omsk

Әдебиет тізімі

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2. Fig. Algorithm of treatment of AH stages I-II [33]

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