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The present article discusses issue of criteria for assessment of clinical and statistical significance of randomized clinical trials aimed to evaluation of drug efficacy, in particular, beta-blockers (BB). Such results allow us to change current clinical guidelines for the use of medicines. On the choosing of BB for the treatment of cardiovascular disease or prevention the development of complications, physicians should focus primarily on the clinical evidence of a particular drug use. Statistically significant reduction in the risk of development of the complications of cardiovascular diseases, as well as high clinical significance of the results, should be established in studies dedicated to evaluation of BB effectiveness.

Sobre autores

S Gilyarevsky

Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Care named after N.V. Sklifosofskiy

Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Care named after N.V. Sklifosofskiy

I Kuzmina

Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Care named after N.V. Sklifosofskiy

Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Care named after N.V. Sklifosofskiy

Sergey Gilyarevskiy

Irina Kuz'mina


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