Ostryy stenoziruyushchiy laringotrakheit u detey


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Acute constrictive laryngotracheitis in children is a life-threatening disease of the upper respiratory tract, which can lead to a poor outcome. This review presents the clinical characteristics of the severity of constrictive laryngotracheitis, the main diagnostic approaches, modern guidelines for the treatment of respiratory obstructive conditions. The roles of inhaled corticosteroids, as well as the measures in case of ineffectiveness of conservative therapy are described in detail. The authors conclude: optimization of guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute constrictive laryngotracheitis in children will allow adequately assessing the severity of disease, reducing the incidence of complications and the need for hospitalization, shortening hospital stay and reducing treatment costs.

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Sobre autores

N. Geppe

N. Kolosova

Email: kolosovan@mail.ru


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