Antiepilepticheskaya terapiya v neyroonkologii


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The article considers the features of antiepileptic therapy for patients with brain tumors (BT) in the postoperative period, and in the late periods after removal of the tumor in patients not undergoing surgical treatment. Prophylactic antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are assigned temporarily for the prevention of attacks - during the first week after surgery; in other cases, they are appointed in accordance with the general principles of treatment of symptomatic partial epilepsy. The safety and drug-drug interactions when using AEDs on the background of radiation treatment and chemotherapy are discussed. The appropriateness of the use of new antiepileptic drugs that do not affect hepatic metabolism, such as levetiracetam, and valproate, lamotrigine and topiramate, for the relief of attacks associated with BT, is emphasized.

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S. Boldyreva



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