Panicheskoe rasstroystvo v nevrologicheskoy praktike


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Panic disorder (PD) is a common disease among patients visiting a neurologist. PD is often associated with insomnia, primary headaches, back pain and neck pain, frequently is not diagnosed, and the condition of patients is mistakenly regarded as «vegetative dystonia syndrome», «osteochondrosis of the cervical spine» or «encephalopathy» (patients of the older age group ). Diagnosis of PD and the aforementioned diseases often do not cause any difficulties. Modern methods of treatment of PD include psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy - CBT as first choice treatment and psychodynamic psychotherapy as second choice treatment), psycho-pharmacotherapy (antidepressants), and their combinations. These therapies allow to help to most patients with PD. The article presents the results of own authors’ observation of 80 patients with chronic daily headache (CDH), including 26 (32.5%) patients suffering from PD. By the example of clinical case, effective treatment of patient suffering from CDH and PD using CBT and antidepressant paroxetine is demonstrated. The data on the efficacy of paroxetine in the PD are presented.

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