Potentials for the management of cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients on insulin therapy


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Diabetes mellitus (DM) contributes to the development of a number of severe vascular complications and a significant increase in cardiovascular risk, which leads to early disability and premature death of patients. The evaluation of cardiovascular safety of both new and traditionally used for many years hypoglycemic drugs and their combinations contributes to the development of more effective therapeutic strategies and recommendations for the prevention of adverse cardiovascular events and improve the prognosis of diabetes. The article presents a comparative analysis of the safety of basal insulin analogues for DM2 patients in relation to the risk of developing severe hypoglycemia and cardiovascular safety. Analysis of data from randomized clinical trials, databases of real-life clinical practice, as well as the largest study of cardiovascular safety of insulin analogues to date, DEVOTE study, makes it clear that insulin degludec, possessing sugar-lowering efficacy and cardiovascular safety comparable to other basal insulin preparations, has several advantages, namely a lower risk of developing severe hypoglycemic episodes, a greater likelihood of achieving target levels of fasting glycemia, as well as the possibility of a more flexible regimen of drug administration.

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Sobre autores

Gagik Galstyan

National Medical Research Center for Endocrinology

Email: galstyangagik964@gmail.com
Código SPIN: 9815-7509
MD, Professor

M. Antsiferov

Endocrinological Dispensary of the Moscow Healthcare Department

Código SPIN: 1035-4773

Ya. Alekseeva

Código SPIN: 4954-0700


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