Urinary tract infection in children


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Urinary tract infection is one of the most common diseases in a pediatric population, often acquiring a relapsing course. The development of urinary tract infection and the nature of its course are determined not only by the properties of the pathogen, but also by the state of the child’s organism: in children with abnormal development of the urinary system and vesicoureteral reflux, disease often acquires a recurrent character, leading to nephrosclerosis and kidney failure. Timely diagnosis and adequate antibacterial therapy can minimize the consequences of urinary tract infections and reduce the risk of recurrence. In the treatment of urinary infection in children, in most cases preference is given to oral forms of antibiotics, among which one of the most effective is cefixime.

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Sobre autores

Andrey Malkoch

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education; Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Moscow State University of Food Production

Email: malkoch@mail.ru
PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Nephrology and Hemodialysis

N. Filatova

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

M. Dudko

S.P. Botkin City Clinical Hospital of the Moscow Healthcare Department

E. Kulikova

Moscow Regional Clinical Diagnostic Center


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