Personalized approach to the compilation of a early motor rehabilitation program for children with spinal cord injury, taking into account exercise tolerance


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Background. The relevance of rehabilitation of children with spinal cord injury (SCI) is determined by the steady increase in the number of patients in this group. Mandatory conditions of early motor rehabilitation include controlled efforts, the inadmissibility of fatigue and overtraining, a gradual increase in exercises. Determining a child’s rehabilitation opportunities and his willingness to perform the proposed exercises is the priority task of compillation an individual motor program. Objective. Evaluation of the possibility of personalizing the motor rehabilitation program for children with severe SCI based on an assessment of exercise tolerance (ET). Methods. The study included 25 patients with SCI (12 - with upper limb paraparesis, inferior paraplegia, 13 - with lower limb paraparesis or inferior paraplegia) aged 12.1±5.0 years. According to the results of ET testing, an individual program for active motor rehabilitation was compiled for all patients. Testing was performed using ergospirometry to determine peak oxygen consumption (VO2) and the time to reach the anaerobic threshold. Results. After the course of rehabilitation, all patients showed an increase in peak oxygen consumption and time to reach the anaerobic threshold. The results of the increase in maximum VO2 with active exercises and expansion of the aerobic corridor in both groups of patients indicate an increase in ET due to an increase in muscle strength and general body endurance. By the end of the rehabilitation course, the duration of motor tasks during training session increased to 29.2±4.3 minutes (64.9%) of 45 minutes in all patients. Duration of passive exercises decreased to 15.8±4.3 minutes (35.1%). Conclusion. Evaluation of the patient’s individual capabilities allows to personalize the motor rehabilitation program. The ergospirometry method serves as a tool for monitoring of the adequacy of the proposed program.

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Sobre autores

I. Ponina

Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology


I. Novoselova

Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology

S. Valiullina

Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology

V. Machalov

Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology

V. Lukyanov

Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology


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