The type of psychological component of the mother’s gestational dominant and the severity of functional gastrointestinal disorders in children of the first year of life: results of an online survey


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Background. The psychoemotional state of a woman during pregnancy can affect the physical and neuropsychic development of the child, as well as influence the formation of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) in infants. Objective. Evaluation of the relationship between the emotional state of the mother during pregnancy and the severity of FGIDs in children of the first year of life using a questionnaire. Methods. An online survey of 933 mothers of children in the first 4 years of life, of which 321 had children aged 0-12 months, was conducted. Results. Group I (psychological comfort) consisted of 226 (24.2%) mothers, Group II (risk group) - 342 (36.7%), Group III (potential neuropsychiatric disorders) - 365 (39.1%). Primiparous mothers were statistically significantly more frequent in Group I, multiparous -in group III; at the same time, among the mothers of group III, the desired pregnancy was found statistically significantly less frequently than in other groups. There were no statistically significant differences in the frequency of FGIDs in infants among three groups of mothers, traditionally formed according to the prevailing psychological type of gestational dominant. Conclusion. It is advisable to select mothers with anxious and depressive PCGD in a separate group, as well as to conduct in-person counseling for a more accurate diagnosis.

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Sobre autores

M. Dubrovskaya

Pirogov Medical University

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Department of Hospital Pediatrics n.a. Acad. V.A. Tabolin, Faculty of Pediatrics

E. Gryaznova

Pirogov Medical University

A. Botkina

Pirogov Medical University


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