Is there a «window of therapeutic opportunity» for testosterone replacement therapy for age-related hypogonadism in men?


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The article discusses the issues of cardiovascular safety of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in age-related androgen deficiency in men. TRT may exacerbate cardiovascular disease in some patients with suboptimal testosterone levels. In general, the risk of CVD with TRT is low. There are individual differences in the timing of the onset of age-related androgen deficiency in men, mainly due to the sexual constitution. Accordingly, the rate of progression of atherosclerosis will vary in different men of the same age, depending on the severity of testosterone deficiency and genetic factors. At the same time, the greatest risks, according to the data available to date, were noted in men over 60-65 years of age.

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S. Apetov

Endocrine Health Center

Chelyabinsk, Russia

V. Apetova

Endocrine Health Center

Chelyabinsk, Russia


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