Treatment of cough in acute respiratory infections and influenza in patients of risk group




Cough is one of the common symptoms in medical practice, and is the fifth most frequent cause forcing the outpatients to see a doctor. Data for the etiopathogenesis of cough, its classification and principles of treatment are presented. Particular attention is paid to the treatment of cough in cases of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in smokers. The results of a comparative study of efficacy and safety of a complex preparation Ascoril expectorant and standard therapy for patients with catarrhal diseases with symptoms of bronchial obstruction and cough are presented. The results showed that both regimens are effective and safe. However, against the background of Ascoril administration, duration of severity of symptoms significantly decreased, and course of treatment of ARVI was shorter.


I Klyachkina

I Klyachkina


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