Sovremennye podkhody k diagnostike, lecheniyu i prognozu granulezokletochnykh opukholey yaichnikov (analiz literaturnykh dannykh i sobstvennykh issledovaniy)



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The article is dedicated to the problem of ovarian granulosa cell tumors (GCT). Epidemiological data, information on the etiology, histological classification, morphological structure, clinical manifestation, features of diagnosis and principles of treatment of GCT are presented. Particular attention is paid to the pronounced hormonal dependence of GCT, which determines the clinical manifestation of the disease and sensitivity to the hormonal therapy. The results of own multivariate analysis of clinical and morphological data and results of treatment of 62 patients with adult-type ovarian GCT are presented. This analysis was aimed to evaluation of impact of these factors on the prognosis of the disease.




E. Bakhidze



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