Pervyy opyt organizatsii v Sankt-Peterburge vtorichnoy profilaktiki povtornykh osteoporoticheskikh perelomov kostey v ramkakh programmy «PROMETEY» Rossiyskoy assotsiatsii po osteoporozu



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The article analyzes the testing of «PROMETHEUS» program of the Russian Association on Osteoporosis, aimed at secondary prevention of recurrent osteoporotic fractures (OF), on the base of a city polyclinic № 96, St. Petersburg. The data relating to similar foreign programs are presented. Based on the analysis of some indicators of the traumtological unit of this clinic in 2012, the urgency of creating and implementation of programs of secondary prevention of OF in clinical practice in the Russia is demonstrated. Routing scheme for specialized patients within hospitals, as well as the role and interaction of various outpatient physicians in its implementation are presented and discussed. Information on antiosteoporotic pharmacotherapy in the secondary prevention of OF is provided. It is established that secondary prevention of OF should be carried out on the basis of territorial outpatient health facilities according to the specially designed medical-economic standards.




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