Osobennosti sostoyaniya tkaney parodonta u vzroslykh patsientov so skuchennost'yu zubov



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The clinical study included of 80 patients was aimed to the evaluation of the condition of periodontal tissues in the area of teeth overcrowding. Unacceptable oral hygiene (Silness-Loe index 2.3±0.4, Quigley-Hein index 3.7±0.5), and the presence of chronic inflammation in marginal periodontal tissue (PMA index 39±5%, the Muhlemann index 2.6±0.2) were revealed. Teeth overcrowding was combined with a thin periodontal biotype (71.2%) and low thickness of attached keratinized gingiva (45%). Also, signs of overpressure of periodontal tissues due to the presence of supracontacts were showed (86.2%). In general, condition of periodontal tissue in patients with teeth overcrowding was significantly worse than in control subjects. Teeth overcrowding is recognized as a significant risk factor for periodontal diseases.




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