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The effectiveness of the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer was significantly improved by the introduction of monoclonal antibodies to vascular endothelial growth factors and epidermal growth factors into clinical practice. Currently, there are reports about the various efficacy of treatment of metastases of the primary tumor of the right and left parts of the colon. The data presented in the review allows to rationalize the use of monoclonal antibodies taking into account the localization of the primary tumor. It is shown that in the «targeted» population anti-VEGF-agents provide significant advantage in terms of survival in case of localization of tumors in the right segment, and anti-EGFR-agents - in case of localization of tumors in the left segment.




N. Dobrova

Email: dobrova2008@rambler.ru
FSBI RORC n.a. N.N. Blokhin of RMH PhD, Senior Researcher at the Department of Chemotherapy and Combined Therapy of Malignant Tumors Moscow

E. Borisova

FSBI RORC n.a. N.N. Blokhin of RMH Moscow

S. Gutorov

FSBI RORC n.a. N.N. Blokhin of RMH Moscow

M. Abramov

FSBI RORC n.a. N.N. Blokhin of RMH Moscow


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