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An increase in the proportion of Helicobacter pylori-negative ulcers is confirmed by numerous studies throughout the world. The course of H. pylori-negative peptic ulcer is associated with a higher cumulative frequency of relapses and complications, long periods of healing of ulcers, and refractoriness to ongoing therapy. It is unlikely that the risk factors identified for H. pylori-negative ulcers, such as genetic markers, elderly age, and psychophysiological stress, will disappear in the future. In connection with the above mentioned, there is a need for clinical studies aimed at optimizing the strategy of treatment and prevention of peptic ulcer, not associated with H. pylori infection.




I. Oganezova

FSBEI HE NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov of RMH

Email: oganezova@rambler.ru
MD, Prof. at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, Gastroenterology and Dietology

E. Avalueva

FSBEI HE NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov of RMH


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