Current view of the Epstein-Barr virus infection



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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is one of the most common human viruses that persists in more than 90-95% of the world’s population over 40 years old and is considered the main cause of infectious mononucleosis (IM). The extremely high prevalence of EBV infection among people and the high risk of developing related conditions raise the issue of further close study of the virus to one of the leading positions. The article provides information on the epidemiology, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of this disease.




A. Polyakova

National Medical Research Center for Children's Health; Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


M. Bakradze

National Medical Research Center for Children's Health

G. Dzhivanshiryan

National Medical Research Center for Children's Health

V. Tatochenko

National Medical Research Center for Children's Health


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