Early pathogenetic combined therapy of sugar diabetes type 2: focus on insulin resistance



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This review presents actual ideas about the role of insulin resistance in pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes as well as the correctability of this mechanism. At the present stage 11 pathogenetic mechanisms of type 2 diabetes were determined. Recently the focus has shifted from hyperglycemia to the restoration of beta-cell function, which is impossible without solving the problem of insulin resistance. Thus, early pathogenetic combination therapy of type 2 diabetes is an actual way to manage this disease. Insulin sensitivity improvement is specifically attributed to metformin and thiazolidinediones, other classes of antidiabetic drugs have just indirect effect. In Russian Federation an original complex drug preparation, containing technologically processed highly diluted antibodies to the beta subunit of the insulin receptor and to endothelial nitric oxide synthase, was registered. This drug has hypoglycemic effect, as well as additional benefits such as insulin resistance reduction, increase in adiponectin production and improvement of the vascular wall.




A. Ametov

Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education

Ekaterina Tertychnaya

City Policlinic №220 Moscow City Health Department

Email: ekaterinatertychnaya@yandex.ru
PhD, Endocrinologist


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