Melanocytic nevus as a melanoma precursor: clinical cases and literature review



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Most cases of malignant melanoma develop de novo; in a third of cases, however, a tumor may arise on the background of a pre-existing melanocytic nevus. Nevus associated melanomas have some epidemiological features: they develop at a younger age, are more often are located on the trunk and have a lower Breslow thickness. The available literature data and own authors’experience indicate the absence of the need for “prophylactic" removal of melanocytic nevi as possible precursors of a malignant tumor. One of the methods for the early diagnosis of melanoma can be the introduction of digital dermatoscopy using automated processing of dermatoscopic images with artificial intelligence. The article describes the clinical cases of nevus-associated melanomas; litreture review and discussion of this problem are presented.




Yu. Sergeev

Society of Dermatoscopy and Optical Diagnosis of Skin


V. Mordovtseva

Moscow State University of Food Production

V. Sergeev

Central State Medical Academy

O. Tamrazova

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

V. Nikitaev

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

A. Pronichev

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


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