Hypoglycemia: syndrome and coma



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Hypoglycemia, i.e. a decrease in blood glucose level below normal is a frequent and dangerous violation of the most important part of homeostasis: energy metabolism. The frequency of hypoglycemia is attributable to the fact that it not only complicates many diseases and syndromes, but also performs the function of a physiological regulator of energy metabolism. The glycopenia hazard is that glucose is actually the only source of energy for nerve structures and a lack of glucose leads to their damage. The lecture discusses the definitions of hypoglycemic syndrome, the typology of hypoglycemic syndrome from the point of view of causes and mechanisms of development, and the issues of the clinical picture and diagnostics. An algorithm for the treatment of hypoglycemic coma and diagnostic schemes for the main pathogenetic variants of hypoglycemic syndrome are presented.




Vyacheslav Lukyanchikov

Medical Center “Medstyle Effect"

Email: vsluk@yandex.ru
Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor


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