Antiviral activity of Tantum Verde And its active substance benzydamine hydrochloride against influenza virus in vitro



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Background. Influenza viruses are classified as socially significant infections, and therefore, research aimed at reducing damage to both human health and society as a whole is relevant. One of the directions in the search for drugs with a wide spectrum of antiviral action is the evaluation of the effects of previously used drugs. Benzydamine hydrochloride belongs to the pharmacological group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the evaluation of its antiviral properties could expand the recommendations for the use of this drug. Objective. Evaluation of the activity of benzydamine hydrochloride and its finished dosage form Tantum Verde against the influenza virus. Methods. The influenza virus A (H1N1) pdm09, a representative of the population of epidemic strains, was used in the study in vitro. The tested drugs were benzydamine hydrochloride and a finished drug - a topical spray containing a 0.15% solution of benzydamine (Tantum Verde). The evaluation of their antiviral properties was carried out according to prophylactic and therapeutic schemes. Results. The minimum inhibitory concentrations IC50 for benzydamine hydrochloride were 1.4 and 4.2 pg/ml in the prophylactic and therapeutic schemes, respectively, and for Tantum Verde - 2.8 pg/ml in the prophylactic scheme. The presence of the virucidal action of Tantum Verde was also noted. At drug concentrations of 1.0-10.0 pg/ml, suppression of viral reproduction was by 4.0-6.0 lg observed. Conclusion. The results of the study revealed the activity of benzydamine hydrochloride against the influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 virus both in the prophylactic (before or simultaneously with infection of the culture) and in the therapeutic scheme of application (2 hours after infection of the culture), which suggests that benzydamine hydrochloride is able to influence the replication of viruses in cell culture.




Natalia Breslav

Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology

Cand. Sci. (Biological), Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Influenza Etiology and Epidemiology 18, Gamaleya str., Moscow 123098, Russian Federation

E. Kirillova

Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology

Moscow, Russia

I. Kukes

Angelini Pharma Rus LLC

Medical Department Moscow, Russia

E. Burtseva

Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology

Moscow, Russia


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