Extraterestinal lesions in inflammatory bowel diseases: focus on the hepatobiliary system



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The problem of extraintestinal manifestations and complications of inflammatory bowel diseases is of interest for specialists in various medical fields. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease often have extraintestinal manifestations that may present before the primary diagnosis is made. The hepatobiliary system, being part of the digestive system, reacts to inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and to the intake of drugs prescribed for this category of patients. This article is devoted to the lesions of the hepatobiliary system in inflammatory bowel diseases: their pathogenetic, clinical and therapeutic features.




Yu. Uspensky

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University; Pavlov University

St. Petersburg

K. Nadzhafova

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: kyamalyok@yandex.ru
St. Petersburg

Yu. Fominykh

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University; Pavlov University

St. Petersburg

R. Dreval

Nonprofit Partnership for Social Health Care Programs «Center for Social Economy»


S. Ivanov

Pavlov University; Elizabethan Hospital

St. Petersburg

A. Shotik

Pavlov University; Elizabethan Hospital

St. Petersburg

V. Filippova

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

St. Petersburg


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