A universal injectable preparation for the correction of cosmetological and dermatological skin problems



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Correction of age-related changes in parallel with the treatment of other skin imperfections has become possible due to the emergence of modern drugs and technologies. One of the drugs that correct both age-related changes and dermatological defects is an injectable medical preparation containing fucoxanthin as the main active ingredient. The drug is an effective and safe agent in complex programs for correcting hyperpigmentation; it is able to act on the skin as naturally, efficiently and safely as possible, providing visible positive changes in the skin relief and color, causing structural changes that underlie the physiological renewal of the skin, which is necessary for aging and skin rehabilitation in patients with chronic dermatoses.




Elena Svechnikova

Polyclinic № 1 of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation

Email: elene-elene@bk.ru
Dr. Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology

L. Berzegova

Premierpharm Company

K. Kozhina

Premierpharm Company

A. Grigorieva

Premierpharm Company


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