Clinical and economic aspects of parenteral hepatitis C

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The current epidemiological, clinical and economic aspects of the treatment and prevention of parenteral hepatitis B and C are analyzed. The paper provides the results of calculations of economic losses differentiated by disease severity and individual measures implemented by a patient during his/her treatment for this group of diseases. Current approaches to therapy should make allowance for the role of viral load in the progression of the disease and in the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma and the efficiency of treatment and its cost in relation to the stage of hepatitis B and its complications. There are data on both the cost of treatment depending on its chosen regimen with due regard for the use of new drugs recently introduced into clinical practice and on the clinical and economic efficiency of population immunization.

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About the authors

O. I Raduto

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Inspectorate for Protection of Consumer Right and Human Welfare



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