Choice of an adequate therapy regimen for acute enteric infections in children: results of a randomized trial



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The paper shows the necessity of choosing an enterosorbent for acute enteric infection (AEI) in children. It presents the basic properties of polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate as one of the drugs for enterosorption. Objective. To evaluate the efficiency of using polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate in children with AEI. Subjects and methods. A total of148 children aged 1 month to 15 years with AEI of different etiologies were examined. 50 of them received polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (a study group), 48 took dioctahedral smectite (Comparison Group A), and 50 used colloidal silicon dioxide or kaolin (Comparison Group B). The etiology of AEI was clarified using bacteriological and molecular genetic studies. The time to relieve clinical symptoms of this condition was estimated. Results. No significant differences were found in the duration of the main symptoms of AEI in its treatment with polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate versus 71 the other tested enterosorbents. Conclusion. Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate can be regarded as one of the effective and safe enterosorbents, which may be recommended as part of combination therapy for AEI in children in the first month of life.




T. Ruzhentsova

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare


A. Gorelov

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare


A. Ploskireva

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare



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