Problems of epidemiological surveillance of mixed infections



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The article discusses the problems of epidemiological surveillance and control over mixed infections. It notes the imperfection if a normative and methodological base and the inadequate detection and registration of cases of mixed infections among the population. The problems that need to be solved for the organization of adequate epidemiological surveillance are listed. To overcome the existing situation, it is proposed to make amendments and additions into relevant documents, to apply a comprehensive approach to assessing the epidemic process of mixed infections; to create special parameters of epidemiological supervision, and to elaborate and introduce preventive and anti-epidemic measures aimed at controlling co-infections. The directions of improving the system for epidemiological surveillance of these infections, which include changes in the information, analytical, and managerial subsystems, are proposed. The authors emphasize the need to make adjustments in training the specialists and the formation of a unified system for training of medical personnel in mixed infections.




Vyacheslav Shkarin

Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy

MD, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head, Department of Epidemiology

Anna Blagonravova

Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy

MD, Prof., Department of Epidemiology


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