Rotavirus infection in children: epidemiological and clinical aspects at the present stage



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Acute intestinal infections (AIIs) are an important problem for pediatric practice. Both in our country and abroad, the etiological pattern of AIIs in children shows a change that is in the predominance of pathogens of viral infections, primarily those of rotavirus infection. The author gives the results of her own long-term follow-ups showing the clinical and epidemiological features of rotavirus infection and its combined forms in children.




A. Ploskireva

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being

Саnd. Med. Sci., Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Clinical Department of Infectious Diseases 3a, Novogireevskaya St., Moscow 111123, Russia Telephone: +7(495) 672-11-58


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