Retrospective analysis of the efficacy of topical and systemic steroids as pathogenetic therapy for viral pneumonias



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The paper sets forth the present-day views on the pathogenesis of viral pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. It gives the data of a retrospective analysis of the efficiency of different treatment regimens for patients with acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) and influenza in the 2009 pandemic period. The paper analyzes the literature sources containing the results of clinical and experimental studies of different treatment regimens for influenza, by analyzing the main mechanisms of action of corticosteroids. It discusses the possibilities, problems, and prospects of different treatment options in patients with the severe course and complications of ARVI/influenza.




I. Koltsova

infectious Diseases Hospital One, Moscow Healthcare Department

Infectious Disease Physician Moscow, Russia

O. Fadeeva

A.S. Puchkov Substation Eleven, Ambulance and Emergency Medical Care Station

Infectious Disease Physician Moscow, Russia

Zh. Ponezheva

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being

MD; Leading Researcher, Clinical Department of Infectious Diseases Moscow, Russia


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