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In modern conditions a transition to activity-competency educational model with a leading factor in interpersonal interaction provides to improve the quality of education and abilities of each student disclosure. Under these conditions, the formation of students' intercultural competence gains particular actuality. In this paper we consider the development possibility of pupils’ intercultural competence through the actualization the dialogue between cultures pedagogical potential as a meaningful source of informative interest development and, as a result, rise of the education quality; elective course for students in grades 10-11 "Cultural studies in Germany" submitted. The course program aims to improve communication, social, socio-cultural competencies of students in preparation for cross-cultural communication in the secondary and post-secondary education sphere, future professional activity. The study of this discipline, with no doubt, contributes to the development of universal educational activities; it provides opportunities for using logical methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, the isolation of essential features, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, classification, systematization, generalization. The course is focused on the development and interiorization of students spiritual and moral values of the studied language country as part of world culture, drawing on the native culture by familiarizing of them and their reproduction in various activities during the mastering the German language; awareness of being part of the international cultural environment; the formation of students' ability to respect the rights and dignity of others, including foreign peers belonging to other cultures; experience of dialogue and joint creative activities with their peers - native German speakers; capacity for cultural dialogue in a foreign language, the ability to live and interact with other cultures in a multicultural and multilingual society; improve the skills of self-regulation of behavior in the German-speaking intercultural communication.

About the authors

Elena Aleksandrovna Zhestkova

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Arzamas Branch)

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department «Preschool and primary education»

str. K.Marxa, 36, Arzamas, 607220, Russia


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