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The article “Nominations of a person’s national identity (based on literary works by N.V. Gogol and Ch. Dickens”) focuses on the description of a person’s ethnic evaluation based on literary works. Representing national-cultural values, on the one hand, and creating their own philosophy, on the other hand, N.V.Gogol and Ch.Dickens embodied both the peculiarities of the national worldview and the individual perception of the environment. Their models of nominations affected the process of naming in their national languages, being reflected in the mentality of Russians and Englishmen. As a unit of analysis nominants were chosen, i.e. free combinations with words-nominations functioning within them, which provide syntagmatic implications of the nominants. Russian and English units of nomination reflecting the ethnic evaluation are analysed. The article notes that qualitative adjectives as well as highlighting specific peculiar traits of different nations were used as means to create an ethnic stereotype in literary works by N.V. Gogol. These nominants were divided into two cycles - describing Ukraine (with the distinctly specified opposition “us” - “them”) and showing St. Petersburg (with a neutral evaluation and pointing out specific character traits of certain nations). The idea of nominants in a literary work showing the perception of typical and specific peculiarities seen by the author is considered to be the basic idea and as a result of the description of a cultural interpretation of image-based units of nomination the conceptual values of these peoples describing their mentality, typical traits of an ethnos can be singled out.

About the authors

Veronika Viktorovna Katermina

Kuban State University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of philological sciences, professor of the department of English philology

350000, Russia, Krasnodar, st. Stavropolskaya, 149


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