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The article contains the results of reconstruction of techniques and instruments, which made «textile» imprints appear on surface of D'yakovo pottery. The following techniques could cause the appearence of such imprints: 1) constructing in relief concave-forms, 2) paddling, 3) rouletting, 4) punching Experimental evidence allowed to prove that the «textile» imprints were mainly the result of rouletting. Special research permitted to establish some srecific signs of roueletting by the example of pottery wholly coverd with impressions of cord («nitochnyje»). The difference between the similar instruments - the roller winded with thread and the plate paddle winded with tread - were revealed. The technique of rouelling was revealed concerning one more group of pottery - the «speckled» («ryabchatyje») one. The instrument which was used to apply such imprints was also reconstructed. It is the fir cones with partly removed scales. The scales of the cone could be intentionally removed by a human or eaten round by the rodents. Specifity of the traces of the partly removed scales consists in the special outline of the scales, the imprints of the fibre, the traces of rodents' teeth, the imprints of the longitudinal edge of the scales. The amount of the examined imprints allows to talk about the existence of a certain cultural tradition in the sphere of D'yakovo pottery.

About the authors

Olga Anatolievna Lopatina

Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

research fellow, Theory and Method Department, Institute of Archaeology

Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences, 117036, Russia, Moscow, Dm. Ulyanov str, 19


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