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Different approaches of pottery making analysis are represented in this article. Major role is devoted to the description of technological traces, which can be observed on pottery of early-late neolithic in dnepr-dvina region, as well as to variety of methods that can be used in the analysis of ceramics manufacture techniques. different ethnographic evidences are discussed here, which allow interpreting changes occurred in technological sphere, that might not always be connected with cultural factors. description of operational sequences used for pottery making dated to early-late neolithic of this region, is represented in this article. characteristic features of these techniques, existed at different periods are analyzed, as well as changes occurred in different parts ofexisted operational sequences. it is supposed that similarity of decor, technology of pottery making, and vessels’ forms, typical for synchronous sites located in different parts of dnepr-dvina region, might be a marker of one society lived on this territory. Whereas local features in vessels’ form, decor, and technology of pottery assemblages located on definite sites within small microregions, might reflect cultural identity of society/societies lived there.

About the authors

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Dolbunova

The State Hermitage Museum, Saint-Petersburg (Russia)

Author for correspondence.

junior scientific researcher, the department of archaeology of eastern europe and siberia

the state Hermitage Museum, russia, saint-Petersburg, 190000 dvorsovaya emb., 34

Andrey Nikolaevich Mazurkevich

The State Hermitage Museum, Saint-Petersburg (Russia)


senior scientific researcher, general curator of the department of archaeology of eastern europe and siberia

the state Hermitage Museum, russia, saint-Petersburg, 190000 dvorsovaya emb., 34


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Copyright (c) 2015 Dolbunova E.V., Mazurkevich A.N.

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