Recent Insights into a Manuscript of Ornate Poetry from Toyoq: A new Fragment of Mātṛceṭa’s Varṇārhavarṇa



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The article continues a series of publications of the Sanskrit manuscript fragments written in the Proto-Śāradā script, kept in the Serindia Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The authors introduce into scientific circulation a fragment of the Varṇārhavarṇa, the work of the famous Buddhist thinker and poet Mātṛceṭa. The article provides the paleographic analysis of the manuscript fragment, as well as brief information about the author, his works, the Varṇārhavarṇa structure. The article provides transliteration and translation of the fragment.

Об авторах

Safarali Shomakhmadov

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences


Jens-Uwe Hartmann

Institute of Indology and Tibetology, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Германия, Munich

Список литературы

  1. Hartmann, Jens-Uwe 2017: “King Prasenajit Bemoans the Death of His Grandmother: A Study of the Manuscript SHT 7185”, International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture (Special Issue: Recent Results of Buddhist Manuscript Research) 27.1: 73–105.
  2. HORI, Shin’ichirō 2011: “Sanskrit Fragments from Central Asia at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg” [in Jap.], Bukkyō Gaku 53: 1–24.
  3. I-TSING 1896: A Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practised in India and the Malay Archipelago (A.D. 671–695) by I-Tsing. Tr. by J. Takakusu. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  4. LÜDERS, Heinrich 1926: Bruchstücke der Kalpanāmaṇḍitikā des Kumāralāta. Leipzig: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft.
  5. SCHLINGLOFF, Dieter 1968: Die Buddhastotras des Māṭrceṭa. Faksimilewiedergabe der Handschriften, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
  6. SHOMAKHMADOV, Safarali 2022: “The Sanskrit Fragment of Kṣāntivādi-jātaka in ‘Proto-Śārada’ Script from the Serindia Collection of IOM, RAS”. Written Monuments of the Orient 1(15): 3–14.
  7. TĀRANĀTHA 1990: Tāranātha’s History of Buddhism in India. Tr. from Tibetan by Lama Chimpa Alaka Chattopadhyaya. Ed. by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
  8. Weller, Friedrich 1955: Die Fragmente der Jātakamālā in der Turfansammlung der Berliner Akademie, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.

Дополнительные файлы

Доп. файлы
2. Pl. 1. A fragment of Varṇārhavarṇa from the Serindia Collection, Petrovsky Sub-Collection. The Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS. SI 3695/1 recto

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3. Pl. 2. A fragment of Varṇārhavarṇa from the Serindia Collection, Petrovsky Sub-Collection. The Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS. SI 3695/1 verso

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© Shomakhmadov S.H., Hartmann J., 2022

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