Two Manchu-Chinese Gaoming 誥命 Diplomas from the Collection of Nikolay Petrovich Likhachev



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Nikolay P. Likhachev (1862–1936) was an outstanding specialist in diplomacy, sphragistics, numismatics, paleography and codicology of ancient and medieval manuscripts. His collection of various documents was exhibited in the Museum of Paleography that he founded in 1925. The Museum was closed in 1930, and manuscripts in Oriental languages were sent to the forerunner of the present IOM, RAS. Among the documents in Arabic, Syrian, Coptic, Hebrew, Ethiopian, Persian, Armenian, Georgian, Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan, Japanese and other languages there were two Manchu-Chinese diplomas. The diplomas were acquired by N.P. Likhachev from different people. The first one is dated by 1682, and bestows the civil official Yatu the 4th rank title zhongxian dafu, and his wife from the Tunggo clan a corresponding title. The second diploma is dated by 1881. According to its Chinese text, the patent of nobility is given to the official Wei Zhu and his wife from the Liu clan. The Manchu text of this diploma does not make sense, since it is a combination of disconnected phrases. It could be assumed that it was put into the diploma as a formal, decorative part of an official document which was supposed to be in two languages. The second diploma was issued almost at the end of the Qing empire, when the Manchu language was sometimes used as a formal attribute to the official court documents for the Chinese subjects. This statement is supported by other late Manchu-Chinese diplomas from the collection of the IOM, RAS. The article publishes two Manchu-Chinese diplomas from the collection of N.P. Likhachev with transcription and translation of the texts.

Об авторах

Tatiana Pang

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2597-2530

Cand. Sci. (History), Leading Researcher, Head of the Department of Far Eastern Studies, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

Россия, Saint Petersburg

Список литературы

  1. “Zvuchat lish pis’mena…” 2012: “Zvuchat lish pis’mena…” K 150-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia akademika Nikolaia Petrovicha Likhacheva. Katalog vystavki [“In written words alone…” On the 150th anniversary of the birth of academician Nikolay Petrovich Likhachev. Exhibition catalogue]. St. Petersburg: State Hermitage Publishers, 2012.
  2. MESHCHERSKAYA, Elena N. & PIOTROVSKAYA Elena K. 2012: “Muzei paleografii akademika N.P. Lihacheva i ego sud’ba (1925–1930)” [Academician N.P. Likhachev’s Museum of Paleography and its fate (1925–1930)]. In: “Zvuchat lish pis’mena…” K 150-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia akademika Nikolaia Petrovicha Likhacheva. Katalog vystavki [“In written words alone…” On the 150th anniversary of the birth of academician Nikolay Petrovich Likhachev. Exhibition catalogue]. St. Petersburg: State Hermitage Publishers: 49–65.
  3. POPOVA Irina F. 2012: “Pamiatniki kitaiskoi pis’mennosti” [Monuments of Chinese writing]. In: “Zvuchat lish pis’mena…” K 150-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia akademika Nikolaia Petrovicha Likhacheva. Katalog vystavki [“In written words alone…” On the 150th anniversary of the birth of academician Nikolay Petrovich Likhachev. Exhibition catalogue]. St. Petersburg: State Hermitage publishers: 483–484.
  4. PANG Tatiana A. 2020a: “Tri imperatorskikh diploma gaomin 誥命 iz kollektsii IVR RAN” [Three Imperial Gaoming (誥命) Diplomas from the Collection of the IOM, RAS]. Pis’mennye pamiatniki Vostoka 40(1): 5–20.
  5. PANG Tatiana A. 2020b: “Man’chzhursko-kitaiskii diplom gaomin 誥命 (B 108 mss) iz kollektsii IVR RAN” [The Manchu-Chinese Gaoming 誥命 Diploma (B 108 mss) from the Collection of the IOM, RAS]. Pis’mennye pamiatniki Vostoka 43(4): 24–32.
  6. PANG, Tatiana A. 2021: “Man’chzhursko-kitaiskii diplom gaomin 誥命 iz kollekcii Nikolaia P. Likhacheva” [The Manchu-Chinese Diploma Gaoming 誥命 from the Collection of Nikolai P. Likhachev]. Pis’mennye pamiatniki Vostoka 46(3): 25–31.

Дополнительные файлы

Доп. файлы
2. Pl. 1 The Chinese text of the diploma. H 178 Nova, IOM RAS

Скачать (54KB)
3. Pl. 2. The Manchu text of the diploma. H 178 Nova, IOM RAS

Скачать (78KB)
4. Pl. 3–4. The Chinese text of the diploma H 179 Nova, IOM RAS

Скачать (167KB)
5. Pl. 5–6. The Manchu text of the diploma H 179 Nova, IOM, RAS

Скачать (134KB)

© Pang T.A., 2023

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