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Правила для авторов

The Editorial Board and Editorial Office of the journal “Written Monuments of the Orient” invites international authors to contribute articles in English on the problems of studying written monuments of the Orient which focus on history, literature, religion, culture, and ethnography of the Asian region. We are especially interested in publications of primary source texts from international manuscript collections, libraries, archives, and museums. We are looking for new approaches and fresh ideas that promise to make a substantial contribution to the development of respective fields. 

Papers should be submitted via on-line form

– All papers are accepted in electronic form in both formats, WORD and PDF.

 – Papers should not exceed more than 10,000 words, reviews and notes should not exceed 5,000 words. Articles and other texts of greater length may be accepted under extraordinary circumstances upon the agreement with the Editorial Office.  All used fonts should be submitted along with the article. The layout of the article should be as follows:

  1. Title of the article;
  2. Full name of the contributor, academic degree, academic title, academic position and affiliation, work address including zip code and e-mail address;
  3. Summary of the article (maximum 250 words);
  4. Key words (maximum 10).

All references are given in footnotes in abridged form: author’s name in small caps, year, page

– Ivanov 2004,15; Popova 2013, 56; Umemura, Shogaito, Yoshida, Yakup 2002, 143. 3. List of abbreviations.


– for monographs: Clauson, Gerard 1972: An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Maspero, Henry 1953: Les Documents chinois de la troisième expédition de Sir Aurel Stein en Asie Centrale. Ed. by H. Maspero. London: The Trustees of the British Museum.

Translation of Russian titles is given in square brackets; the name of the series is at the end in round brackets:

Kitaiskie dokumenty iz Dun’khuana. Vyp. 1. Faksimile. Izdanie tekstov, perevod s kitaiskogo, issledovaniia i prilozheniia L.I. Chuguevskogo [Chinese documents from Dunhuang], Part 1. Faksimile. Publication, translation, research and appendix by L.I. Chuguevskii. Moscow: Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury, 1983 (Pamiatniki pis’mennosti Vostoka [Written monuments of the Oriental scripts series] LVII, 1)

References to Oriental publications should be as follows: title in italics in transliteration, original title, English translation in square brackets:

Nie, Xiaohong 乜小紅 2009: E cang Dunhuang qiyue wenshu yanjiu 俄藏敦煌契約文書研究 [A study of the Dunhuang texts of contracts from the Russian Collection]. Shanghai: Guji chubanshe.

 Dunhuang yanjiu lunzhu mulu 2006: 敦煌研究論著目録 [A bibliography of works in Dunhuang studies]. 1998–2005. Ed. by Cheng A-tsai 鄭阿財 and Chu Feng-yu 朱鳳玉. Comp. by Tsai Chung-Lin 蔡忠霖, Chou Hsi-po 周西波. Taipei: Lexue shuju.

References to articles:

Malov, Sergei E. 1932: “Uigurskie rukopisnye dokumenty ekspeditsii S.F. Oldenburga” [Uighur manuscript documents from S.F. Oldenburg’s expedition]. Zapiski Instituta vostokovedeniia AN SSSR [Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR], vol. 1. Moscow-Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 129–149.

Laut, Jens Peter 2009: “Neues aus der Katalogisierung der Maitrisimit”. Studies in Turkic Philology. Festschrift in Honour of the 80th Birthday of Professor Geng Shimin. Ed. by Zhang Dingjing and Abdurishid Yakup. Beijing: China Minzu University Press, 332–338.

Zieme, Peter 2000: “Fragments of the Old Turkic Maitrisimit nom bitig in the Otani Collection”. Nairiku Ajia gengo no kenkyū [Studies on the Inner Asian Languages], 15 (2000), 123–134.

Suzuki 2012: Suzuki Kenji. “Roshia ni watatta ainu shiryou no rekishiteki keii ni tsuite A. V. Gurigo:riefu no ainu korekushon wo tsuiseki suru” ロシアに渡ったアイヌ資料の歴史的経緯について-A.V.グリゴーリエフのアイヌコレクションを追跡する [On the historical circumstances of Ainu materials coming to Russia - tracing the Ainu collection of A. V. Grigoriev]. Hoppou jimbun kenkyuu 北方人文研究 [Humanities about the North], 5, pp. 1-12.

– Russian titles should be given in transliteration (and with English translation) using the following system: я – ia, е – e, ю –iu. й –i, ы – y, х – kh, ц –ts, ч – ch, ш –sh, щ –shch, ж – zh

– For rendering Arabic proper and common names the system of transliteration adopted by the Encyclopaedia of Islam (New (2nd) edition) should be used with only two variations:

  1. The character qāf is to be represented as q, not as ḳ;
  2. In the symbols for the characters thādjīmkhā’dhā’shīn and ghayntwo letters (th, dj, kh, dh, sh and gh) are not to be underlined.

Bibliographic references should be listed in alphabetical order according to the year of publication.

Images should be submitted as separate files in TIFF, JPEG, PSD, or EPS formats (with a resolution no less than 300 dpi for real-life size images) and in print format for layout planning. In exceptional cases (upon the agreement with the Editorial Office), good quality photographs (2 copies) may be accepted.

The list of images and image captions (including the original location, manuscript cypher, and page numbers of the manuscripts if applicable) should be also provided as a separate file.

Archive and museum materials are accepted for publication with the legal owner (organizations, libraries, and private individuals) permission only.

The Editorial Office has the right of editorial revision.

Manuscripts are not returned to authors.

Re-printing of materials without the Editorial Office’s permission is prohibited.


Подготовка статьи

При передаче рукописи в редакцию на рассмотрение, авторам необходимо согласиться со всеми следующими пунктами. Рукопись может быть возвращена авторам, если она им не соответствует.

  • Эта статья не была раньше опубликована, а также не представлена для рассмотрения и публикации в другом журнале (иначе объясните это в Примечаниях для Редактора).
  • Отправляемый файл рукописи имеет формат Microsoft Word или RTF - *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf.
  • Интернет-ссылки представлены в виде полных URL.
  • Текст набран с одинарым межстрочным интервалом, шрифт Times New Roman, 12 pt; для выделения используется курсив, а не подчеркивание (кроме интернет-ссылок); все иллюстрации, графики и таблицы расположены в тексте там, где требуется по смыслу (а не в конце документа).
  • Текст соответствует стилистическим и библиографческим требованиями Руководства для Авторов, расположенном в разделе "О нас".
  • Были удалены имена авторов из заголовка статьи и выполнены другие требования документа Обеспечение Анонимности при Рецензировании.

Авторские права

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licensee (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.



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