Collection of Manuscripts and Xylographs in the State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan




The article presents a brief review of a relatively small collection of manuscripts and xylographs in the Tibetan, Mongolian and Oirat languages from the Kazan Theological Academy fund, the State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan. Although the collection is quite moderate it includes really interesting materials and has not attracted the attention of researchers. Its brief catalogue was made by the authors.


In the State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan in Kazan (hereafter SART) there are 36 manuscripts and xylographs in the Mongolian, Oirat and Tibetan languages. They are listed in the inventories Nos. 6 and 7 of the Kazan Theological Academy (hereafter KTA) fund No. 10. It is well known that Kazan was the cradle of the Mongolian studies in Russia. The development of this field of Oriental studies is connected with the Kazan University and prominent Russian scholars O.M. Kowalewski (1801-1878) and A.V. Popov (1856-1909). However, as V.L. Uspensky frequently mentioned, since the 18th c. till 1921 when it was closed a significant role in the development of the Mongolian studies belonged to the KTA as well. Speaking about the Mongolian studies in the KTA one should always remember the great contribution made by A.A. Bobrovnikov (1822- 1865), a talented graduate of the KTA, a scholar and lecturer. In 1855 the faculty of Oriental studies together with its library was transferred from the Kazan University to the Saint-Petersburg University. The KTA library, © Anna Aleksandrovna Turanskaya, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences ( © Natalia Sergeevna Yakhontova, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences ( © Dmitry Alekseevich Nosov, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences ( however, remained in Kazan and was replenished continually until the academy was closed in 1921.[18] The history of the KTA library after 1921 is tightly linked with the Asiatic Museum (nowadays the IOM, RAS). The Oriental manuscripts and xylographs kept in the Asiatic Museum have been accumulated for two hundred years from different sources. An important part of its collection consists of the books in Oriental languages (Chinese and Japanese) and manuscripts and xylographs (Tibetan and Mongolian) from the former KTA library. From the available archival documents we know that books, manuscripts and xylographs in Oriental languages were selected from the former KTA library and transferred to St. Petersburg by a researcher of the Asiatic Museum M.N. Sokolov in November 1927.[19] That was the time when the KTA library collection of books and manuscripts was ‘sentenced’ to be split among different educational and cultural institutions mainly located in Kazan. L.Z. Khasanshina published excerpts from a report on the meeting held on September 17, 1927, where the distribution of the books from the former KTA library was discussed. According to this report, parts of the library fund had to be distributed according to the subject-matter among various organizations of Kazan: House of Tatar Culture, Oriental Pedagogical Institute, Tatar Communist University, Cultural Center, Central Archive, while the Buryat books were to be transferred to the Republic of Buryatia.[20] However, due to the active intermediation of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and zealous efforts of the Hebraist M.N. Sokolov from the Asiatic Museum a part of the library funds was transferred to the Asiatic Museum in Leningrad. Sokolov wrote in his report[21]: ‘While examining the library I only paid attention to the books export of which would not prejudice the interests of the Republic of Tatarstan and thus would not encount any rejections. For this reason I left behind everything concerning the Muslim world and local region studies and chose books on Hebrew studies and languages and literatures of the Far East’. In the section ‘Books in European languages’ in the 1928 year annual report of the Asiatic Museum[22] it is said that the library of the Asiatic Museum was enriched by 486 volumes from the former KTA and that ‘the above-mentioned collection of the former Theological Academy in Kazan transferred to the A[siatic] M[useum] by the authority of the People's Commissariat for Education of the Tatarstan Republic is of a great value’ [Fund 152, inventory 1, item 124, f. 23]. Besides, the second part of the same report (‘Oriental manuscripts and books’) mentions the acquisition of a large collection of Mongolian xylographs and manuscripts mainly produced by Buryat and partly Chinese printing houses from the former library of the KTA [Fund 152, inventory 1, item 124, ff. 36, 38]. Manuscripts and books in Eastern languages were listed in an inventory book of new acquisitions. In December 1927, 613 Mongolian and Oirat manuscripts and xylographs were listed; seven more items were registered in 1929. Judging by the handwriting in the inventory book the job was done by N.N. Poppe. Chinese (110) and Japanese (84) books were registered in January 1928; Tibetan (534) books were added by A.I. Vostrikov in September 1929. The present catalogue of manuscripts and xylographs kept in SATR (Fund 10, inventory Nos. 6, 7) is structured according to the languages (Mongolian, Oirat, Tibetan and Chinese) i.e. in the same way as the items are listed in the inventory lists (though some languages are identified incorrectly). Bilingual (Tibeto-Mongolian) texts, following a long-established tradition, are listed along with the other texts in Mongolian. One item (No. 3.11) which consists of several texts (bilingual Tibeto-Oirat texts, texts in Oirat and texts in Tibetan languages) is ascribed to the section of Oirat texts as it is obvious that it was compiled for a Kalmyk reader. The same should be admitted about some texts in the Tibetan language which bear the traces of being copied by Kalmyks. For example, one can find amendments in the ‘clear script’ made by a scriber in texts Nos. 1.3, 1.7, 1.8 or notes in the Oirat language in text No. 1.1. The archival inventory includes 18 numbers in Tibetan, 21 - in Mongolian, 12 - in Oirat, and 1 - in the Chinese language. The number of texts differs from the inventory numbers, since the latter may include several texts (for example, three different manuscripts are united under No. 1.13) and, vice a versa, one text can be divided among several inventory numbers, e.g. a treatise on astronomy is bounded in 16 parts each having its own inventory number (No. 2.5). There are just three xylographs: two of them are Beijing xylographs in Tibetan both being separate volumes and literary works from Collected works (gsung ‘bum) by Changkya Rolpai Dorje (1717-1786): No. 1.17 - five volumes (87 texts); No. 1.18 - one volume (2 texts) and one xylograph in Mongolian printed in Buryatia (No. 2.1 - the Sutra of Golden Light). There is an early-printed book - one of the first grammar manuals of the Mongolian language compiled by a Scottish missionary Robert Yuille (1786-1861) and printed in Selenginsk in 1839 (No. 2.6). Another quite small book is in ‘сlear script’. It was litographically printed in 1841 and appears to be an instruction for growing potatoes (No. 3.9). The majority of texts are handwritten. The oldest one in the collection is a biography of a famous Tibetan poet and yogin Milarepa (No. 2.3)[23] translated in 1618 by a well-known Mongolian translator of the Buddhist texts Širegetü güši čori. A hand-written and richly illustrated album showing the story of Molon toyin searching for his sinful mother in the Hells is of special interest for research (No. 2.4). This book with colorful miniatures was compiled in Beijing probably in the beginning of the 19th c. The Mongolian section of the collection has an incomplete manuscript copy of the third part of the Tibetan-Mongolian dictionary ‘Ocean of Names’ (Tib. ming gi rgya mtsho, Mong. ner-e-yin dalai) compiled by Kunga Gyatso (18th c.) and blockprinted in Beijing in 1718. A Kalmyk-Russian dictionary prepared by archpriest Vasiliy Diligensky in 1852 or 1853 and considered to have been lost is preserved in the collection. It contains approximately 12500 words. Stamps on its first page allow to trace the history of the book: after the KTA library had been closed it was transferred to the library of the National Department for Culture of the Central Archive of the Tatarstan Republic. A treatise on astronomy (No. 2.5) is attributed by Uspensky as a manuscript copy of the Mongolian translation of a Chinese astronomical encyclopedia blockprinted in Beijing in 1711. He assumes that it was brought to Kazan by hieromonch Amphilokhiy along with the Milarepa biography (No. 2.3).[24] The rest of manuscripts contain quite small Buddhist texts in the Tibetan and Oirat languages. It may be assumed that they were a part of another collection before they had been transmitted to the KTA library. The evidence for this is given by numbers and text titles in Cyrillic script written on their covers in the same hand-writing. Moreover, the majority of them is stitched by cords with labels having the same numbers written down on them. Besides, each label has a small red wax seal with a crown and a monogram image ‘ГК’ (on some labels only remains of the seal could be seen). These short texts were very popular among the Kalmyks, e.g. Vajracchedikā (the Diamond Sutra) and Mañjuśrīnāmasamgīti, short versions of Ṡaṭaṡāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā, Pañcarakṣā, Suvarṇaprabhāsottama, as well as different prayers, ritual and astrological works. In one instance a dozen texts are compiled into one book which judging by its condition served as a bechbook for its owner. Only ten manuscripts are marked with the KTA library stamp. However, since there are two manuscripts from ‘the collection with a wax red seal’ among them it seems quite appropriate to suppose that all this collection once was a part of the KTA library. The IOM, RAS keeps only one Oirat manuscript (astrological notes [Sazykin, No. 1761] and several letters in ‘clear script’ [Sazykin, Nos. 1000, 1001, 1004-1006, 1128] from the former KTA library. Quoting the ‘History of the Kazan Theological Academy’ written by P. Znamensky, V.L. Uspensky writes that ‘only in 1855 the Orenburg Consistory sent to the KTA 69 Kalmyk manuscripts’ [Uspensky 1996: 121]. Therefore, the Oirat texts kept in SART can partially replenish the missings that V.L. Uspensky regrets about. The only text in the Chinese language is a hand-written Latin-Chinese lexicon. The content of the dictionary entries allows to suggest that it was compiled by a Catholic priest. After each subject section of the dictionary some blank pages for notes are left. They are filled in with Russian-Chinese and Chinese-French lexical materials written in a neat handwriting. The catalogue consists of descriptions in accordance to the following scheme: (1) description number (No. 1 - for manuscripts and xylographs in Tibetan, No. 2 - in Mongolian, No. 3 - in Oirat, No. 4 - in Chinese); (2) SART call number; (3) text title or incipit of the text (if the title is given in two languages the second language is indicated in brackets); (4) brief annotation or description of the contents of work (titles of the original Tibetan and Sanskrit texts are given in italics); (5) archeographic description including (a) manuscript or xylograph, (b) format (notebook, pothi), (c) number of pages (folios), (d) size of pages, (e) size of the frame in brackets, (f) number of lines on the page, (g) origin of paper, watermarks and stamps of paper-mills, (h) ink (unless specified the colour of the ink is black), (i) brush, calamus, pen, (j) additional information, (k) information about postscript, notes, defects. The Tibetan script transliteration is made according to the extended Wylie transliteration system[25]. In personal names and toponyms the root letter in the first syllable is capitalized. The Mongolian and Oirat transliterations are made according to the traditional system. The following symbols are used for editorial marks and special letters (galiγ): [] - any glosses or interpolations; k̇ = ç= ċ= ñ= ṫ= ṫ=̣ _- underlining is used to mark all specific variants of orthography; (= …) - in cases when the word is impossible to understand the suggested variant of the reading is written in brackets. 1. In the Tibetan language: 1.1. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 86 Incip: na mo gu ru many+dzu gho sha ya/ bdag gzhan rnam mkha'i dang mnyam pa'i sems can thams cad skyabs kyi dam par bla ma la skyabs su mchi'o/ [1r] Praise and prayer. Manuscript, notebook, 15 ff., 34.2×11.2 сm, 8 lines, Russian paper, red and black ink, pen. Some words in the text are marked with yellowish paint. No pagination. A note on the back cover in Cyrillic: “№ 31. Горимъ - Уставъ”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with remains of a red wax seal on it. There are a few notes in Oirat between the lines of Tibetan text. The last page is severely damaged and glued to the cover. 1.2. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 87 'phags ma rig sngags kyi rgyal mo so sor 'brang ma chen mo'i rtog pa bzhugs so// [front cover] Sutra from Pañcarakṣā collection (“Five Protections”). = Sanskr. Mahāpratisaravidyārājñī Manuscript, pothi, 43 ff., 43.4×11.7 (36.1×8.7) cm, 6 lines, Russian paper, red and black ink, pen. Marginal title: (Tib.) ga. Mongolian and Tibetan pagination and Tibetan pagination in figures. Two folios have the same number (No. 18) (Oir. arban nayiman uridu, arban nayiman xoyitu). A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 14. Пакбарикнакъджиджалъмо-сосоръбранъмачинмодокба (одна глава изъ книги Панчаракча пяти хранителей)”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a fragment of a white label. On the label there is a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. On the back cover there is a note in Oirat ‘Gelong Sodnam Codbo wrote it down for the [benefits] in this and future lives’ (Oir. gelöng sodnam сodbo ene kigēd xotiyin tölei bičibebi::). 1.3. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 88 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa rdo rje'i gcod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo bzhugs so// [front cover, 1r] Vajracchedikā (“The Diamond Sutra”) = Sanskr. vajracchedikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra Manuscript, pothi, 58 ff., 20.8×8.2 (17.4×5.2) cm, 4 lines, Russian paper (light green), ink, pen. Tibetan pagination. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 23. Пакбаширабъджи-парулъдучинбадорджиджодбагшиджабатэкбачинбойдошуксу. Разсекающiй алмазъ - Сокращенiе параджньи парамиты”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a fragment of a white label. On the label there is a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. 1.4. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 89 Incip: huM yid 'ong rgya mtsho'i 'khyil ba'i dbus/ rin chen 'par (='phar?) ba'i gzhal yas khang/ padma zla ba'i gdan steng na/ [1r] Wishful prayer. Manuscript, pothi, 3 ff., 20.6×7.2 cm, 5 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. Tibetan pagination. A note on the back cover in Cyrillic: “№ 36. Янъджабъ (призыванiе счастiя)”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a white label. On the label there is a note ‘№ 36’ and a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. 1.5. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 93 The manuscript in the notebook format contains two texts: 1. Incip: mchod yon phal chen mchod yon bla bre dang/ mchod yon bkod ba'i 'di zer rab bgyi zhig mchod yod sna tshogs kun tu bkram byas nas/ [1r] 2. Incip: dge slong bsod nams tshul khrims/ dge slong bsod nams blo bzang/ [9r] Ritual texts. Manuscript, notebook, 10 ff. + covers, 22×8.5 сm, 7 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. No pagination. A note on the back cover in Cyrillic: “№ 33. Сурдибъшуксу (жертво-приношенiе покойникамъ)”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a fragment of a white label. On the label there is a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. 1.6. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 98 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa rdo rje gcod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo gzhugs so// [front cover, 1r] Vajracchedikā (“The Diamond Sutra”). = Sanskr. vajracchedikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra Manuscript, pothi, 45 ff., 21.2×8.5 cm, 6 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 29. Пакбаширабъдоки-парулъдучинбадорджиджодбашиджабатэкбачинбойдошуксу. Разсекающiй алмазъ. Сокращенie параджньи парамиты”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with white label. On the label there is a note ‘№ 29 ’ and a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. On the back cover there is a note in Oirat ‘Sodnam Codba wrote it down for [the benefits]’ (Oir. sodnam codbayin tölei bütübebi). 1.7. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 99 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa rdo rje'i gcod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo bzhugs so// [front cover, 1r] Vajracchedikā (“The Diamond Sutra”). = Sanskr. vajracchedikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra Manuscript, pothi, 43 ff., 21.6×8.6 cm, 6-7 lines, Russian paper, black and red ink, pen. Tibetan pagination. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 28. Пакбаширабъджи-парулъдучинбадорджиджобашиджабатэкбачинбойдошуксу. Разсекающiй алмазъ - Сокращенiе параджньи парамиты”. Ff. 1v, 2r are decorated with red and black bīja mantras. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a white label. On the label there is a note ‘№ 28’ and a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. On the back cover there is a note in Oirat ‘Copied by Šanсaγ (Oir. šanсaγi bütelgebei:). 1.8. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 100 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa rdo rje'i gcod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo bzhugs so// [front cover, 1r] Vajracchedikā (“The Diamond Sutra”). = Sanskr. vajracchedikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra Manuscript, pothi, 38 ff., 24.6×9.6 cm, 6 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. Tibetan and Oirat pagination. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 26. Пакбаширабъджи-парулъдучинбадорджиджобашиджабатэкбачинбойдошуксу. Разсекающiй алмазъ - Сокращенiе параджньи парамиты”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a white label. On the label there is a note ‘№ 26’ and a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. On the back cover there is a note in Oirat ‘Γabong Namki copied it. For the [benefits] in present and future [lives]’ (Oir. γabong namki bütelgebei:: ene kigēd xotiyin tölei). 1.9. Fund 10, Iventory No. 7, Item 101 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa rdo rje'i gcod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo bzhugs so// [front cover, 1r] Vajracchedikā (“The Diamond Sutra”). = Sanskr. vajracchedikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra Manuscript, pothi, 43 ff., 21.1×8.5 cm, 6 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. Tibetan pagination. Some words in the text are marked with yellowish paint. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 29. Пакбаширабъджи-парулъдучинбадорджиджобашиджабатэкбачинбойдошуксу. Разсекающiй алмазъ - Сокращенiе параджньи парамиты”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a white label. On the label there is a note ‘№ 29’ and a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. 1.10. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 102 'phags pa bkra shis brtsegs ba bzhugs so// (Oir.). ӧlzӧi dabxar orošiboi: [front cover]; 'phags bkra shis brtsegs pa zhes bya ba thegs pa chen po'i mdo// [1r] “Mass of Auspiciousness” Sutra = Sanskr. āryamaṅgalakūṭanāma-mahāyāna-sūtra Manuscript, pothi, 9 ff., 20.2×7.1 cm, 6-7 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. Tibetan pagination. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 2-й. Пакба дашидзэкба (святое удвоенное счастie)”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a white label. On the label there is a note ‘№ 2’ and a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. 1.11. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 103 shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa 'bum bsdus pa bzhugs so// [front cover]; 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa'i don ma nor bar bsdus pa [1v] Abridged version of Satasahasrikāprajñāpāramitā. Manuscript, pothi, 9 ff., 22×8.1 cm, 7 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. No pagination A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 20. Ширабъджипарулъдучинба-бумъдуйбашуксу (сокращенная парамита)”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a white label. On the label there is a note ‘№ 20’ and a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. On the front cover has Tibetan pagination «one» (Tib. gcig). On the back cover there is a note in Oirat ‘One hundred thousand Prajñāpāramitā was written down by gelong Sodnam’ (Oir. gelöng sodnam сodbō 'abum bičibebi:). 1.12. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 105 mdo stong(=sdong) po brgyan pa bzhugs so/ (Oir.) moduni čimeq [front cover]; 'phags pa mdo stong (=sdong) po brgyan pa'i mchog ces bya ba/ [1r] “Wooden adornment”Sutra = Sanskr. āryadhamanydzan-nāma-mahāyana-sūtra Manuscript, pothi, 4 ff., 20.4×7.5 cm, 6 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. Tibetan pagination. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 16. Додонбоджанбашуксу (деревянное украшенiе) сутра”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a white label. On the label there is a note ‘№ 16’ and a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. 1.13. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 106 This inventory consists of three separate manuscripts stitched with a cord with a white label. On the label there is a note ‘№ 11’ and a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. 1) 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par brjod pa phan yon dang bcas pa bzhugs so// [front cover]; 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par brjod pa/ [1r] Mañjuśrīnāmasamgīti. = Sanskr. āryamañjuśrī-nāma-samgīti Manuscript, pothi, 28 ff., 21.3×7.3 (21×5.8) cm, 5 lines, Russian paper (light blue), black and red ink, pen. Tibetan pagination. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 11. Пакбаджамбалджицанъян-дакъбаръджадбапанъюнъданджайба (молитва манджуширiи)”. 2) 'phags pa kha mchu nag po zhi par byed ba'i mdo bzhugs so// [front cover]; 'phags pa kha mchu nag po zhi par byed pa/ zhes bya ba'i theg pa chen po'i mdo// [1r] “Sutra, pacifying disputes” = Sanskr. āryakhaduṃdharmatapaye-sutra-nama-mahāyana-sūtra Manuscript, pothi, 6 ff., 20.6×7.2 cm, 6 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. Tibetan pagination. 3) (Oir.) banсaraks’a-yin xurāngγui orošibo:: [front cover]; 'phags pa stong chen po'i snying po [1r]; 'phags pa gsang sngags chen mo rjes su 'dzin ma'i snying po rdzogs so// [4r] Abridged version of Pañcarakṣā. = Sanskr. mahamantrānudhārini-hṛdaya-sūtra Manuscript, pothi, 4 ff., 20.8×7 cm, 5 lines, Russian paper (light green), ink, pen. Tibetan pagination. 1.14. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 107 Incip: om […] pa yi ba+dzra/ hUM rkyangs skums zhabs gnyis cung zad 'dra pa tsam gyis dkyil 'khor gshen gyi ri bo gshegs bzhugs 'bong gyur zhing/ [1v] Worship prayer to Yama. Manuscript, notebook, 5 ff. + back cover, 17.5×10.9 cm, 6-8 lines, Russian paper (light blue), ink, pen. No pagination. A note on the back cover in Cyrillic: “№ 35. Чойджалидодба (похвала эрликъ-хану) (богу ада)”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a white label. On the label there is a note ‘№ 35’ and a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. 1.15. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 108 Incip: thub rnams spangs rtogs yon tan rab mnyam yang/ gdul bka'i 'gro la nyer brtse'i snying stobs la/ phyogs bcu'i rgyal kun mgrin gcig bsngags pa'i yul/ ...[1r] Excerpt from the composition of the 5th dalai lama Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (Tib. Ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho, 1617-1682). Manuscript, notebook, 4 ff. + 2, 21.5×8.3 cm, 5-6 lines, Russian paper (light blue), ink, pen. No pagination. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 32. Туббачинбойбодъ (похвала будде)”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a white label. On the label there is a note ‘№ 32’ and a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. 1.16. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 109 Incip: legs bris dpal gyi bdag po gser gyi mngal/ lha yi bla ma glang gdong dpal gyi mgrin/ padmo'i gnyen sogs lta brgya'i gtsug rgyan gyis/ [1v] Worship prayer to Indra (Qormusta). An excerpt from the composition of the 1st dalai lama Gedun Drupa (Tib. dGe 'dun grub pa, 1391-1474). Manuscript, pothi, 6 ff., 22×9.2 cm, 7 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. Tibetan pagination in figures. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 17. Лэкбрайбалджи (молитва хормустѣ)”. The front cover has pagination ‘one’ in Tibetan (gcig) and Oirat (nigen). On f. 5v the wishful phraise ‘Let all [living beings] obtain fifty human rebirths’ in Oirat is written (Oir. teden kümüni törölön olaxu boltuγai:). Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a fragment of a red wax seal. 1.17. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 110 [lcang skya rol pa'i rdo rje ye shes bstan pa'i sgron me'i gsung 'bum] Texts from the collected works of Rolpai Dorje. Beijing xylograph, pothi, 508 ff., 51.8×9.7 (49.7×6.4) cm, 4 lines, Chinese paper. Chinese and Tibetan pagination. 508 ff. = II (Tib. kha) = 60 ff. (4+2+5+3+6+5+3+5+3+24); IV (Tib. nga) = 238 ff. (5+17+5+3+7+4+3+4+9+4+4+3+3+7+3+4+5+3+4+3+2+2+2+3+2 +2+4+2+3+2+5+2+2+2+4+3+11+5+4+3+3+3+5+6+3+31+5+3+3+11+6); V (Tib. ca) = 114 ff. (3+27+6+3+3+3+3+5+23+9+7+5+4+4+4+2+2+3); VI (Tib. cha) = 2 ff.; VII (Tib. ja) = 94 ff. (11+13+11+16+12+15+16) Volume 2 (Tib. kha) rje btsun 'jam pa'i dbyangs dang 'brel ba'i bla ma'i rnal 'byor byin rlabs myur du 'gugs pa'i lcags kyu zhes bya ba bzhugs so/ [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) kha, (Chin.) 口剌. rje bdag nyid chen po la brten pa'i bla ma'i rnal 'byor dngos grub kun 'byung zhes bya ba bzhugs so// [front cover] 2 ff., margin title: (Tib.) kha, bla ma'i rnal 'byor, (кит.) 尋. bla ma'i rnal 'byor byin rlabs myur 'jug zhes bya ba bzhugs so// [front cover] 5 л., margin title: (Tib.) kha, bla ma'i rnal 'byor, (Chin.) 苓. bla ma'i rnal 'byor don gnyis lhun grub zhes bya ba bzhugs so// [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) kha, bla ma'i rnal 'byor, (Chin.) 德. skal ldan gyi skyes bus bla ma'i rnal 'byor la brten nas lam gyi rim pa'i dge sbyor skyong tshul mdor bsdus zhig bzhugs so// [front cover] 6 ff., margin title: (Tib.) kha, dge sbyor, (Chin.) 苛. bla ma'i rnal 'byor dngos grub nor bu'i bang mdzod ces bya ba bzhugs so/ [front cover] 5 ff., margin title: (Tib.) kha, bla ma’i rnal 'byor, (Chin.) 拉. bde mchog dkar po dang 'brel ba'i bla ma'i rnal 'byor byin rlabs gter mdzod bzhugs so// [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) kha, (Chin.) 申. dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed la brten pa'i bla ma'i rnal 'byor nyams su len tshul dngos grub char 'bebs zhes bya ba bzhugs so/ [front cover] 5 ff., margin title: (Tib.) kha, (Chin.) 南. bla mgon dbyer med kyi rnal 'byor nyams su len tshul bzhugs so// [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) kha, bla mgon rnal 'byor, (Chin.) 寺. bla ma mchog gsum spyi'i mchod chog yid bzhin dbang rgyal zhes bya ba bzhugs/ [front cover] 24 ff., margin title: (Tib.) kha, mchod chog, (Chin.) 井. Volume 4 (Tib. nga) gsung 'bum nga pa'i dkar chag// [front cover] 5 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, dkar chag, (Chin.) 第三. gza' yum gyi dkyil 'khor bsgrub cing mchod pa'i cho ga bkra shis rab rgyas zhes bya ba bzhugs so/ [front cover] 17 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, gza' yum, (Chin.) 加. rje btsun 'jam dpal dbyangs a ra pa tsa na dkar po gtso rkyang gi sgrub thabs rab dkar zla ba'i 'od zer zhes bya ba bzhugs so// [front cover] 5 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, 'jam dkar, (Chin.) 匝. 'jam dbyangs kyi mngon rtogs bzhugs so// [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, 'jam mngon, (Chin.) 伶. bcom ldar 'das mi g.yo ba'i sgrub thabs las tshogs dang bcas pa go bde bar brjod pa bai DUr ya'i phreng ba zhes bya ba bzhugs so// [front cover] 7 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, mi g.yo, (Chin.) 宓蔡. so sor 'brang ma'i mngon rtogs mdor bsdus bzhugs/ [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 餘. phyag na rdo rje 'byung po 'dul byed kyi mngon rtogs bzhugs so// [обложка] [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, 'byung 'dul, (Chin.) 邢. dzam b+ha la nag po'i mngon rtogs bzhugs so/ [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, dzam b+ha la, (Chin.) 質. rje btsun ma yid bzhin 'khor lo'i sgo nas tshe'i dngos grub sgrub par byed pa'i yi ge 'chi med dga' ston zhes bya ba bzhugs// [front cover] 9 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 俱刂. rgyal yum sgrol dkar yid bzhin 'khor lo la bstod pa tshe yi dngos grub 'gugs par byed pa'i lcags kyu zhes bya ba bzhugs so// [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, sgrol dkar bstod pa, (Chin.) 肖. rje btsun sgrol ma la gsol ba 'debs tshul 'dod dgu'i mchog sbyin zhes bya bzhugs sto/ [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 亲斥丢聿. thub pa'i dbang po la mdzad pa bcu gnyis kyi sgo nas bstod pa bzhugs/ [обложка] [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 鹙. rje btsun 'jam dpal dbyangs la bstod pa dpyid kyi rgyal mo'i glu dbyangs zhes bya ba bzhugs/ [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 富. dpal ye shes yon tan bzang po'i bstod pa rnam par bshad pa mkhas pa dga' bskyed tam+bu ra'i sgra dbyangs zhes bya ba bzhugs/ [front cover] 7 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 新. rgyal yum dbyangs can ma dkar mo la bstod pa shes rab snang ba rgyas pa'i dga' ston zhes bya ba bzhugs so/ [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 寂. 'phags mchog spyan ras gzigs la gdung ba'i dbyangs kyis gsol ba 'debs pa 'phags pa'i thugs rje bskul ba'i lha'i rnga chen zhes bya ba bzhugs so// [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 亲乐. byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i nyams len dang sbyar ba'i gsol 'debs bzhugs/ [front cover] 5 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 林. dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed lha bcu gsum ma'i dbang gi brgyud pa'i kha bskong bla brgyud gsol 'debs bzhugs so/ [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 比. khri chen sprul sku rin po che'i zhabs brtan bzhugs sto// [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, zhabs, (Chin.) 寡 bla ma rdo rje 'chang gi zhabs 'degs zhu lugs zhal gdams shing phag lo stsal ba/ [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, zhal gdams 'phrin yig, (Chin.) 間. gsol 'debs mu tig 'phreng mdzes zhes bya ba bzhugs// [front cover] 2 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, gsol 'debs, (Chin.) 求. khri chen no min han rin po che'i myur 'byon gsol 'debs [front cover] 2 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, myur 'byon, (кит.) 岦. rgyal dbang thams cad mkhyen pa'i mchog sprul rin po che blo bzang 'jam dpal rgya mtsho'i zhabs brtan [front cover] 2 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 毁. zhabs brtan [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 丸. gong ma'i zhabs brtan[front cover] 2 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 開. byang phyogs 'gro ba'i 'dren pa rje btsun dam pa'i mchog sprul rin po che ye shes bstan pa'i nyi ma'i zhabs brtan bkra shis rab rgyas [front cover] 2 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 傷. gsol 'debs byin rlabs myur 'jug sogs gsol 'debs le tshan bzhi [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 皿. khri chen mchog sprul rin po che blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma'i myur byon gsol ‘debs [front cover] 2 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 常. 'dod gsol mchog gcig ma sogs gsol 'debs le tshan gsum/ [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 軋. bka' drin gsol 'debs [front cover] 2 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 寀. 'dod gsol byin rlabs myur 'jug [front cover] 5 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 新陸. zhal snga nas blo bzang chos 'dzin pa'i zhabs brtan smon tshig [front cover] 2 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, zhabs brtan, (Chin.) 曼. rje btsun dam pa'i sprul sku'i zhabs brtan bden tshig [front cover] 2 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 新柒. so nyid ku shi chos rje'i myur 'byon gsol 'debs [front cover] 2 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, myur 'byon, (Chin.) 直女. bde bar gshegs pa'i sku gsung thugs kyi rten bzhengs pa'i phan yon sogs dang dge bsngo'i tshigs bcad [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, rten bzhengs pa'i phan yon, (Chin.) 遝. gros 'debs gser zhun 'khyil ba[front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, gser zhun'khyil ba, (Chin.) 況. bar do'i 'phrang sgrol gsol 'debs 'jigs sgrol dpa' bo'i 'grel pa gtan bde'i bsil ster zla zer [front cover] 11 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, bar do, (Chin.) 予瓜. skyabs 'gro'i khrid [front cover] 5 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, khrid, (Chin.) 言寺. gdugs dkar gyi rgyal mtshan 'dzugs pa'i phyag len gyi brjed tho bkra shis rab rgyas [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, gdugs dkar, (Chin.) 墨. 'jigs byed rim gnyis dang sbyar ba'i mgur zab mo [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, rim gnyis, (Chin.) 谷欠. lta ba'i gsung mgur zab mo [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, lta ba'i gsung. dben par dga' ba'i gtam chos glu ring mo [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 聖. ri bo rtse lnga'i gnas bstod dang 'brel ba'i mgur 'jam dpal dgyes pa'i mchod sprin [front cover] 5 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, rtse lnga'i gnas bstod, (Chin.) 量. bla ma mchog gsum gyi thugs rje bskul ba nges 'byung skyo shas kyi shugs glu [front cover] 6 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, shugs glu, (Chin.) 答. chos la bskul ba'i glu dbyangs thar pa'i sgo 'byed [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, chos la bskul ba'i glu, (Chin.) 回. dbu ma'i lta ba nyams su len pa'i tshul de kho na nyid snang bar byed pa'i sgron me [front cover] 31 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, (Chin.) 青. lta khrid [front cover] 5 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, lta khrid, (Chin.) 层. lta khrid mdor bsdus [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, lta khrid, (Chin.) 火赤. theg pa chen po'i blo sbyong pa'i gtam gyi sbyor ba pad+ma dkar po'i 'phreng ba / [front cover] 11 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, theg chen blo sbyong, (Chin.) 羔. blo sbyong chos kyi sgo 'byed/ [front cover] 6 ff., margin title: (Tib.) nga, blo sbyong, (Chin.) 罪. Volume 5 (Tib. ca) gsung 'bum ca pa'i dkar chag// [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, dkar chag, (Chin.) 弟五. byang chub sems dpa'i bslab bya mdor bsdus gzhan phan bdud rtsi'i 'od phreng zhes bya ba bzhugs so// [front cover] 27 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, byang sems, (Chin.) 章. rgyal ba'i bstan pa la ji ltar slob pa'i rim pa mdo tsam brjod pa gzhan phan bdud rtsi'i snying po bzhugs sto// [front cover] 6 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, (Chin.) 然. bslab bya gsal ba'i sgron me zhes bya ba bzhugs/ [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, (Chin.) 土甲. lots+tsha ba ngag dbang chos dpal la gnang ba'i bslab bya bzhugs so/ [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, bsla bya, (Chin.) 慕. bslab bya bdud rtsi'i yang zhun zhes bya ba bzhugs so// [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, bsla bya, (Chin.) 悲. dga' ldan byang chub gling gi bca' yig bzhugs/ [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, bca' yig, (Chin.) 所. bstan pa'i gsal byed dam pa 'jam dbyangs bzhad pa'i sprul pa'i sku rin po che'i dri lan// [front cover] 5 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, (Chin.) 新恰. sgo mang gung ru rab 'byams pa byams pa blo gros kyi dris lan bzhugs so/ [front cover] 23 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, (Chin.) 成. dris lan khyad par gsum ldan bzhugs so// [front cover] 9 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, dris lan, (Chin.) 直. bzod pa gu shri'i dris lan bzhugs so// [front cover] 7 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, dris lan, (Chin.) 治. rgyal dbang thams cad mkhyen pa blo bzang skal bzang rgya mtsho dpal bzang po'i zhabs pad rin po che'i drung du phul ba'i zhu yig bzhugs [front cover] 5 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, chab shog, (Chin.) 化. gong sa rin po cher phul ba'i zhu yig dge legs rgya chen ma bzhugs/ [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, chab shog, (Chin. 被. gong sa rin po cher phul ba'i zhu yig dpal ldan phun tshogs ma bzhugs/ [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, chab shog, (Chin.) 草. gong sa rin po cher phul ba'i zhu yig bde 'byung gtsug rgyan ma bzhugs/ [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, chab shog, (Chin.) 赖. khri chen rdo rje 'chang ngag dbang mchog ldan pa'i sku zhabs su phul ba'i zhu yig bzhugs/ [front cover] 2 f., (pagination ff. Nos. 1, 3, f. No. 2 is missing), margin title: (Tib.) ca, chab shog, (Chin.) 木. 'phags pa lhar phul ba'i zhu yig bzhugs/ [front cover] 2 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, (Chin.) 及. bde mchog la brten pa'i bla ma'i rnal 'byor dngos grub 'gugs pa'i lcags kyu zhes bya ba bzhugs so/ [front cover] 3 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ca, rnal 'byor dngos grub, (Chin.) 束. Two last folios are severely damaged. Volume 6 (Tib. cha) rta mgrin la brten pa'i bla ma'i rnal 'byor bzhugs so// [front cover] 2 ff., margin title: (Tib.) cha, bla ma'i rnal 'byor, (Chin.) 逋. Volume 7 (Tib. ja) dag yig mkhas pa'i 'byung gnas zhes bya ba las grub mtha'i skor [front cover] 11 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ja, grub mtha', (Chin.) 開五. dag yig mkhas pa'i 'byung gnas zhes bya ba las sngags kyi skor [front cover] 13 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ja, sngags, (Chin.) 開六本. dag yig mkhas pa'i 'byung gnas zhes bya ba las gtan tshigs rig pa'i skor [front cover] 11 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ja, gtan tshigs, (Chin.) 開七本. dag yig mkhas pa'i 'byung gnas zhes bya ba las sgra rig gi skor [front cover] 16 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ja, sgra, (Chin.) 開八本. dag yig mkhas pa'i 'byung gnas zhes bya ba las bzo ba rig pa'i skor [front cover] 12 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ja, bzo ba, (Chin.) 開几本. dag yig mkhas pa'i 'byung gnas zhes bya ba las gso ba rig pa'i skor/ [front cover] 15 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ja, gso ba, (Chin.) 開十本. dag yig mkhas pa'i 'byung gnas zhes bya ba las brda' gsar rnying gi skor [front cover] 16 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ja, brda' gsar rnying, (Chin.) 開十一本. 1.18. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 121 [lcang skya rol pa'i rdo rje ye shes bstan pa'i sgron me'i gsung 'bum] Volume 1 (Tib. ka) of the collected works of Rolpai Dorje: biography and biography praise of the 7th dalai lama Kelsang Gyatso (1708-1757). Beijing xylograph, pothi, 536 ff., 53.3×10.7 (49.7×6.4) cm, 6 lines, Chinese paper. F. 51 is severely damaged. Chinese and Tibetan pagination. Ff. 1-558 (ff. 115, 119, 184, 280-283, 442-450, 480-481, 483, 504-509, 557 are missing).[26] 1) rgyal ba'i dbang po thams cad mkhyen gzigs rdo rje 'chang blo bzang bskal bzang rgya mtsho dpal bzang po'i zhal snga nas kyi rnam par thar pa mdo tsam brjod pa dpag bsam rin po che'i snye ma zhes bya ba bzhugs// [front cover] 532 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ka, rnam thar, (Chin.) 寿. 2) rgyal ba khyab bdag rdo rje 'chang chen po dang ngo bo dbyer ma mchis pa rje btsun blo bzang bskal bzang rgya mtsho dpal bzang po'i rnam par thar pa'i sgo nas bstod pa thugs rje'i nyin byed 'dren pa'i skya rengs/ [front cover] 4 ff., margin title: (Tib.) ka, (Chin.) 方字. 2. In the Mongolian language: 2.1. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 83 qutuγ-tu degedü altan gerel-tü sudur orosiba:: [front cover]; qutuγ-tu degedü altan gereltü erke-tü sudur-nuγud-un qaγan neretü yeke kölgen sudur: [2r]; Suvarṇaprabhāsottamasūtra (“Sutra of the Golden light”). = Tib. 'phags pa gser 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po'i rgyal po/ 'phags pa gser 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po'i rgyal po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ = Sanskr. suvarṇaprabhāsottamasūtrendrarājaḥ Buryat xylograph, pothi, 236 ff., 42×11 (37.6×7.5) cm, 30 lines, Russian paper. F. 1 is severely damaged. Margin titles change in accordance with the section. Mongolian pagination (separate for each section). F. 1v is decorated with two coloured miniatures. As a part of decoration the first folio of each section is printed in red ink (in the first section the first and second folios). On f. 1v the Sanskrit title is written (by hand) in Tibetan letters between the lines. There are hand-written interpolations in Tibetan letters for dharanī on ff. 10v and 11r of ‘nya’ section and ff. 14r, 14v, 15r, 15v, 16r, 16v, 17r, 17v, 18r of ‘nga’ section. I - 24 ff., margin: (Tib.) ka, (Mong.) terigün; II - 25 ff., margin: (Tib.) kha, (Mong.) k̇ а, qoyaduγar; III - 22 ff., margin: (Tib.) ga, (Mong.) ga, γuataγar; IV - 22 ff., margin: (Tib.) nga, (Mong.) nga, dötüger; V - 23 ff., margin: (Tib.) сa, (Mong.) ça tabtaγar; VI - ff., margin: (Tib.) сha, (Mong.) ċa, ǰirγuduγar; VII - 19 ff., margin: (Tib.) ja, (Mong.) ǰa, doloduγar; VIII - 14 ff., margin: (Tib.) nya, (Mong.) ña, naimaduγar; IX - 9 ff., margin: (Tib.) ta, (Mong.) ṫa, yisüdüger; X - 25 ff., margin: (Tib.) tha, (Mong.) ṫa, arbaduγar; ̣ XI - 26 ff., margin: (Tib.) da, (Mong.) da, arban nigedüger.[27] Reprint of the Beijing xylograph printed in the time of Kanxi (end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th cc.) The following texts in the end: 1) qutuγ-tu sayin yabudal-un irüger-ün qaγan [da arban nigedüger bölüg, 19r-25r] = Tib. bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi rgyal po = Sanskr. āryabhadracaryāpraṇidhānarāja 2) doloγan ülemǰi burqan-u ölǰei-tü qutuγ-tu silüg: [da arban nigedüger bölüg, 25r-26r] 2.2. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 111 Incip: (Tib.) pa’i tshul / (Mong.) küi-yin yosun-i: (Tib.) tshan pa sum cu btu ba dang / (Mong.) γučin keseg tegükü kiged: …[2r] Third part of the Tibetan-Mongolian dictionary know under the short title “Ocean of names’ (Tib. ming gi rgya mtsho, Mong. ner-e-yin dalai) Manuscript, pothi, 121 ff., 43.5×11 (36.5×8) cm, 3 lines, Russian paper of different quality and colour (light blue, dark blue, white), ink, pen. Margin title: (Tib.) nyi ‘od. Tibetan pagination on ff. 2-131. Ff. 1, 36-40, 91-93, 108, 130 are missing, two folios with the same number (No. 71). Manuscript is incomplete, the beginning and end are missing. 2.3. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 120 [yogačaris-un erketü degedü getülgegči milarasba-yin rnamtar: nirvan kiged qamuγ-i ayiladuγči-yin mör-i üǰegülügsen kemegdekü orošiba::] Namtar of Milarepa. = Tib. rnal ‘byor gyi dbang phyug chen po rje btsun mi la ras pa’i rnam thar thar pa dang thams cad mkhyen pa’i lam ston Manuscript, pothi, 301 ff., 30.2×8.2 (26.4×6.5) cm, 24 lines, Chinese paper, ink, cinnabar, calamus. Mongolian pagination on ff. 1-302, ff. 116, 175 are missing; two folios with the same number No. 196). Two covers without pagination decorated with miniatures.[28] Manuscript is kept in the wooden case of the 19th c. External and internal front covers are decorated with two and three minitaures respectively painted in mineral colours. 2.4. Fund 10, Inventory No. 5, Item 181 γayiqamsiγtu molon toyin neretei qubilγan-tu tülde qayiratu eke-yügen tamu-yin oron-ača γarγaǰu burqan bolγuγsan teüǰi: [back cover] Illustrated album of the story of Molon toyin. Manuscript, notebook, 36 ff., 35.5×26.3 cm, 17-27 lines, Chinese paper, ink, calamus. Mongolian pagination. The notebook is stitched in Chinese manner from right to left.12 Binding is made of a dark blue cotton cloth traditionally used for Chinese-style tao (套) case. Each side of the foilio of the manuscript is decorated with coulourful illustrations painted in water coulours. On the front cover there is a stamp “Ц.А. Арх. № 181, Св. № 6, Ф. № 10” (Central Archive. Archive No. 118, Bound No. 6, Fund No. 10) and a modern label with a note: “Рукопись на монгольском языке. Рукопись повествует о путешествии Молон-Тойна по аду в поисках матери (аннотация этой рукописи содержится в кн. Пр. Яхонтовой)” (Manuscript in Mongolian language. The manuscript tells the journey of Molon toyin searching for his mother in the hell (annotation of text could be found in Prof Yakhontova’s book)). 2.5. Fund 10, Inventory No. 5, Items 193-208 ǰiruqai-yi bičig bolai:: [Item 193, front cover] Astronomy treatise. Manuscript, notebook, 853 ff. (45+64+46+82+48+57+48+36+36+44+43+ 45+44+51+49 +47+68), 22×35.5 cm, Russian paper, ink, pen. The manuscript is bound in 16 parts each having its own inventory number.[29] Different amount of lines on a page. No original pagination. Some folios have pagination in Arabic figures. The majority of pages contain tables with Tibetan figures. On the back cover of one of the notebooks (Item No. 193) there are two notes written with a pencil: ‘№ 30’ and a pen: ‘Джирухай-нь бичикъ булой: Астрономiя’. On f. 43 of one of the notebooks (Item No. 196) there is a stamp «Библiотеки Казанской духовной академiи». 2.6. Fund 10, Inventory No. 5, Item 210 mongγol kelen-ü üsüg-üd kiged: teden-ü qolbolγ-a ba: basa busu angqan kereg-tü-yi surqu durasiγči ulus-tur tusa-tai kiged todorqai üǰegülügči: masi sayin bilig kemegči nom ǰokiyaγdabai:: Составленная Робертом Юилленемь [front cover] Mongolian language grammar. Codex, 65 ff., 17.7×23.5 cm, Russian paper. Tibetan pagination in figures. On page 1 there are a stamp «Библiотеки Казанской духовной академiи» and a white label “Инв. 2, Хр. Кат. 365г”. The book was printed with the permission of a censor Korsakov (page 2) issued on April 1, 1837, in Saint-Petersburg. The book is printed in the missionary printing-house in Selenginsk in 1839 (Mong. selengge-yin balγasun-u emün-e misionar-un bar-tu nige mingγan naiman ǰaγun γučin yisun on-a daruγdaba:: : :: [65r]). 3. In the Oirat language: 3.1. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 84 nom yirtünсüyin xoyor yosuni debter: [front cover] Buddhist text. Manuscript, notebook, 31 ff. + 2 covers, 31.2×17.7 (27.9×14.4) cm, 25-40 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. On the front cover there is a white label “№ Инв. 58., № Хр. Кат. Б.К.Д.А”. On f. 1r there is a stamp «Библiотеки Казанской духовной академiи». A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “Номъ Ертӱнцӱйнг хоjоръ joсуни дэбтэръ. Книга о порядкѣ мирскомъ и духовномъ”. According to the colophon, the text was copied by Astrakhan province clergy V. Diligensky in 1852 (Mong. ayidarxa balγasuni nöüdeq sümeyin dgesleng basili diligenesky gedeq ene kübüd bičiq bičibebi:: 1852 on:: [31r]). 3.2. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 85 γurban udxayin gün kütülbüri:: [front cover] Buddhist text. Manuscript, notebook, 20 ff. + covers, 35.7×11.2 cm, 28-29 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. Oirat pagination. On the front cover there are a white label “Инв. № 59., № Хр. Кат. 2. Б.К.Д.А.” and a note in Cyrillic: “№ 2й. Гурбанъ утхайнъ гӱнъ кӱтэлбӱри. Глубокое руководство къ тремъ сущностямъ (Родъ буддiйского катехизиса)”. On f. 1r there is a stamp «Библiотеки Казанской духовной академiи». According to the colophon, the text was copied by Astrakhan province churchman V. Diligensky in 1853 (Mong. ayidaraxa güberni nöüdeq sümeyin vasili diligenesky geleng bi ene kübüd bičiq bičibebi:: 1853 on: [20r]). 3.3. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 90 ubaši-du bütēkü üyiledbür inu: (Tib.) dge snyen du sgrub pa’i cho ga ni/ [1r] Layman and monk vows. Manuscript, pothi, 3 ff., 21×8 cm, 3 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. Oirat and Tibetan pagination. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 24. Iосолiинъ судуръ (руко-пись, содержащая обѣты буддистовъ, даваемые ими при постриженiи въ монашество”. Manuscript is stitched with a cord with a white label. On the label there is a note ‘№ 24’ and a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. 3.4. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 91 beyēn amur zȫlön debiskertü šudur/γu souǰi: [1r] Ritual text on meditation. Manuscript, notebook, 10 ff., 10×16.2 cm, 5-8 lines, Russian paper (light green), ink, pen. No pagination. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 19. Итэгэлъ. Рукопись, содер-жащая въ себѣ наставленiя, как должно представлять себѣ ламу”. 3.5. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 92 tabun maxabuudiyin eki kӧbüün kigēd olzo dayisuni ilγāxu {inu} kemēbesü: [1v] Astrological notes. Manuscript, notebook, 30 ff., 20.6×8 cm, 20-22 lines, Russian paper, ink, pen. No pagination. Manuscript is incomplete (no ending), written by different scribes (different hand-writings) in the Oirat and Tibetan languages (Tibetan text on ff. 6v-9r). On the front cover there are a stamp ‘Библiотеки Казанской духовной академiи’ and a white label without inscriptions. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 25. Табунъ махамудiйнъ экэ кхубунъ кигэдэ олзл дайсуни ильгаху (о пяти основныхъ стихiяхъ)”. 3.6. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 94 Manuscript, notebook, 20 ff., 17.5×22.3 cm, Russian paper, ink, pen. No pagination. On the front cover there are a white label with a note ‘№ Инв. 116, № Хр. Кат. 211. Б.К.Д.А’, a stamp ‘Библiотеки Казанской духовной академiи’ and a note in Cyrillic: “Перенумеровано сто семнадцать листовъ. Секретарь Корнеев(?). Становленическая грамота буддiйского жречества и повестъ объ Убаши”. On the back cover there is a red wax seal with a Mongolian inscription on it. 1r-11v - Story about Ubaši 12r-14v - Title in Russian: Торгудъ Хо орликъ. 15r-18v - Scratchnotes in the Russian and Oirat languages made by different hand-writings. 19r - List of the Kalmyks (number of kibitkas (yurts) per a clan). 3.7. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 95 caγān šükürtüyin tayilbur orošiboi:: [front cover]; xamuq tögünčilen boluqsani usñir-ēce γaruqsan сaγā šükürtü kemēküyin tayilbur: [1r] «Explanation of Sitātapatrā sutra». = Tib. de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor nas byung ba'i gdugs dkar po can ma’i ‘grel pa/ Manuscript, notebook, 45 ff.[30], 22.2×8.4 см, 16 lines, Russian paper of different quality (light blue, white), ink, pen. Oirat pagination and Tibetan pagination in figures. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 14. Цагаанъ шухуртуинъ таильбуръ орошибай (объясненiе бѣлаго зонтика)”. 3.8. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 96 altan gereliyin sudur orošibo:: [front cover] The abridged version of the “Sutra of Golden light” Manuscript, pothi, 4 ff., 20.6×7.4 (17.5×5.7) cm, 15-20 lines, Russian paper, black and red ink, calamus. Oirat and Tibetan pagination and Tibetan pagination in figures. A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№17. Алтанъ гэрэлiйнъ судуръ орошибай (золотой лучъ)”. The manuscript is stitched with a cord with a white label. On the label there is a note ‘№ 17’ and a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. According to the colophon the text was copied in the yellow hen year (1849?) by a person named Lobsan Darba (Oir. amirlangγui šorō takā ǰiliyin xaburiyin dun/da moγoi sarayin arban yesün ni bars ödöriyin morin caqtu biči/be: lubzang darby’ā: [20r]). 3.9. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 97 bodomoncaqgiyigi tarixar delgürüül/küyin zuu surγumǰim:: [front cover] Instruction for growing potatoes. European-style book, 19 f. + covers, 15×21.1 cm, Russian paper. Tibetan pagination in figures (ff. 1-37 + 2 blank folios). A note on the front cover in Cyrillic: “№ 30. О посѣве карт.” (crossed out) and “№ 31”. A note on internal cover: “№ 31. О посѣве картофеля (литографированная)”. The book is stitched with a cord with a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. Litographically printed in 1841 (colophon f. 19v). 3.10. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 104 Incip: namo mañçuširi ye: k̇ ong rzē bodhi sadu-yi takixui-du: urida altan delekei-dü ceceq delge: [1r] Ceremonial texts. Manuscript, notebook, 28 ff. + 2 covers (blank), 21.4×8.4 cm, 2-7 (for Tobetan text), 20-22 (for Oirat text) lines, Russian paper (light blue), black and red ink, pen. No pagination. On ff. 1-2 short prayers to Buddhas and boddhisattvas are written. A note on the back cover in Cyrillic: “№ 16. Iосолiинь судурь (калмыцкiй обрядникъ, содержащiй въ себѣ обряды, наблюдаемыми буддистами въ извѣстные дни и при известныхъ обстоятельствахъ)”. On the back cover there are a stamp ‘Библiотеки Казанской духовной академiи’ and a white label without inscriptions. 3.11. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 112 Manuscript, European-style book, 195 ff., 16.5×10.5 см, Russian paper, black and red ink, pen. No pagination. Folios are stitched and bound as a European-style book. The cover is made of wooden plates glued over with leather with a brass clasp more typical for the Arabic book tradition. On the back cover there is a red wax seal with ‘ГК’ monogram. On ff. 23, 87 there are stamps ‘Библiотеки Казанской духовной академiи’. Manuscript is written in different handwritings, contains a considerable amount of corrections and notes. The direction of text changes (on ff. 18-28 the text is written vertically). The manuscript consists of nine different Buddhist texts (six of them in Tibetan, one in Tibetan with translation into Oirat): canonical works (Vajracchedikā, Sitātapatrā sutra), prayers, ritual texts, astrological notes and divinatories. 3.12. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 20 Toli bičiq:: Дилигенский В. Словаръ Калмыцко-русскiй [internal cover] Manuscript, European-style book, 351 p., 22×34.5cm, Russian paper, ink, pen. Pagination in Arabic figures. On internal cover there is a white label ‘Инв. 113, Хр. Кат. 158’ and a stamp Ү.Т.А. Milətlər Kylturasь byl[…] Библиотека Нац. Культотдела Т.Ц.А.’. On the last page there is a stamp ‘Библiотеки Казанской духовной академiи’. The words are given in abnormal for the Mongolian alphabet order. Dictionary entries are arranged in 3 columns with 10-15 words each. There are not a few corrections and notes. The dictionary contains approximately 12500 words. 4. In the Chinese language: 4.1. Fund 10, Inventory No. 7, Item 19 Latin-Chinese lexicon. Manuscript, European-style book, 84 p., 13×17.9 cm, European paper. Pagination in Arabic figures. The cover is bound with Chinese grey cloth traditionally used for Chinese-style tao (套) case. On the front cover there is a white label ‘№ 60. 1 книга. Ц. 1 рубль’. On the internal cover there is a white label ‘«№ Инв. 124, Хр. Кат. 390’. European paper with water-marks. On the first page there is a stamp ‘Библiотеки Казанской духовной академiи’. Dictionary index is on page 84. Abbreviations IOM, RAS: Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences KTA: the Kazan Theological Academy Mong.: the Mongolian language Oir.: the Tibetan language Sanskr.: Sanskrit SART: the State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan Tib.: the Tibetan language



Anna Turanskaya

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS

SPIN 代码: 5660-3135

Natalia Yakhontova

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS

SPIN 代码: 8354-0393

Dmitry Nosov

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences

SPIN 代码: 4552-7690


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