On the Tangut Version of the Abhisamayālaṁkāra Series Preserved at the IOM, RAS





This paper introduces the Tangut version of the Abhisamayālaṁkāra Series kept at the IOM, RAS, including the original śāstra and its commentaries. These documents indicate that the Abhisamayālaṁkāra was very popular and several commentaries were available in the Tangut region in the 12th c. In addition to Maitreya’s original text and the most famous commentary by Pandita Haribhadra, we consider two other commentaries showing that translations different from Tibetan ones may be derived from Tangut understanding and exegesis of Maitreya and Haribhadra’s works.


Xiaofang Ma

Beijing Language and Culture University

Email: fflsll@163.com
ORCID iD: 0009-0009-2123-7852
中国, Beijing


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