Development of the personnel potential of the electronics industry in Russia as a basis for the industry's sustainability



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The article discusses the features of the electronics industry in Russia from the point of view of the development of qualified staff. High capital intensity and low profitability in the industry, as well as the global nature of competition impose special requirements on the competencies of employees in Russian companies. At the same time, working conditions at Russian companies lag far behind advanced companies. Countries that strive to maintain a leading position offer wages significantly higher than the average for all sectors of the economy. For the modernization of the electronics industry, the measures proposed by the Government may be ineffective without a review of wages in the industry. Now the average age of employees exceeds 40 years, and graduates of industry universities do not plan to work in their specialty. With such starting positions, the reform of the electronics industry will come to a standstill by 2030, since qualified personnel will choose a related specialty with a higher level of remuneration. At the same time, the outdated material base does not allow employees to improve their skills, which exacerbates the lag behind the industry leaders. It is proposed to revise the remuneration based on the salaries of academic staff and a system of foreign internships for a faster increase in personnel potential.

Sobre autores

Daniil Kopylov

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba



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